Safety Harbor

Open Issues: 4 Closed Issues: 472 Acknowledged Issues: 14
Watching issues created after: 2014-12-11

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  • 2298-2298 Marshall St Safety Harbor, FL, 34695, USA - Safety Harbor
    I’ve reported this issue before and it continues to be a problem with another near miss traffic accident. There absolutely needs to be an additional sign added to the stop sign at Marshall St. going on to McMullen Booth saying “Right turn must yield to u-turn.” I live in Renaissance Oaks and we must make a u-turn here to go north. Almost everyone leaving Marshall street almost hits people doing u-turns as they think their right turn has the right of way. Please, please put one of your existing signs on this corner.
  • North Mcmullen Booth Road Safety Harbor, Florida - Safety Harbor
    I travel through there every weekday morning at 4:00AM. The light used to cycle fast but now it goes through the complete cycle just as though it were mid-day. It even cycles through the turning arrows even though there are no cars in the turning lane. It take forever to change to green and there are no other cars in sight.
  • Environmental Archived
    5026 Parrish Ln Safety Harbor, FL, 34695, USA - Safety Harbor
    We live on the south side of the 580 bridge to Olsmar from Clearwater. I called the DOT about the bridge banks have never been cut in the 2 yrs we have lived here. Some of the grasses and weeds are 5' tall. Mr. Streeter of DOT came out and agreed it is quote a problem and needs to be cut, be he stated it is the County's responsibility not the State's. Please have someone come out and look at this terrible mess. There are snakes and rats coming out of this to all of our properties. Plus feel free to call me, so I will know someone at least read this.
  • 2414-2498 Huntington Boulevard Safety Harbor, FL 34695, USA - Safety Harbor
    Pedestrian mat is broken
  • 103 Country Villas Dr Safety Harbor, FL 34695, USA - Safety Harbor
    A plastic cover on the sidewalk is broken at the east side of the entrance of Country Villas. I see it is marked blue so hopefully it's in the process of getting repaired.
  • 101 Peacock Cir Safety Harbor FL 34695, United States - Safety Harbor
    Sections of old sidewalk are badly crumbling and creating a tripping hazard Also, other sections of sidewalk are popping up due to tree roots, creating an additional tripping hazard.
  • Mcmullen At Sunset - Safety Harbor
    there is a large amount of litter in the drainage ditch
  • Tree Issue Archived
    2555 Phillippe Pkwy Safety Harbor, FL, 34695, USA - Safety Harbor
    Sidewalk and ditch overgrown
  • 101-1998 Enterprise Road East Safety Harbor, Florida - Safety Harbor
    This traffic light has been off timed for a while now for the traffic on Enterprise Rd waiting to turn onto Philippe Prkwy.
    This past Sunday, I sat for 3 mins for this light to change.
  • Sunset And Mcmullen Booth safety harbor, FL - Safety Harbor
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  • Tree Issue Archived
    600 Summerhill Ct Safety Harbor 34695, United States - Safety Harbor
    Tree or large branch down from high winds in Pinellas County Environmental Easement.
  • 3393 Highway 590 Safety Harbor, Florida - Safety Harbor
    The light at the intersection of 580 and 590 is timed poorly in the period 6am to 8am....specifically, turning left off of 580 onto 590 drivers must wait for what feels like 5 minutes, while there is almost no traffic coming from the eastbound 580. So the traffic for the left turn backs up over the bridge creating a safety issue. Please consider shortening the wait time for the left turn. Thank you!