
Open Issues: 5 Closed Issues: 5 Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2015-03-03

Chuch Ave, Fort Hamilton Pkwy

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  • Fort Hamilton Parkway And Prospect Expressway Brooklyn, NY - Park Slope
    To get to the Fort Hamilton Parkway F/G station from Fort Hamilton on the west side of the Prospect Expressway, one major access route is a path that goes under a bridge that crosses the expressway. Every time it rains, the passageway floods, leaving an enormous puddle that is impossible to cross. This has been going on for a very long time:
  • Other Archived
    425-465 Mcdonald Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11218, USA - Borough Park
    There is a homeless person that sleeps and defecates in the unlocked vestibule of Astoria Federal bank posing a serious public safety and health issue since the ATMs are accessible after bank hours. The doors are not locked requiring an ATM card to access as they should be.
  • East 7th Street And Beverley Brooklyn, NY - Borough Park
    Every time it rains, a giant puddle forms at the corner of East 7th St and Beverley Road, forcing pedestrians into traffic to cross the street.
  • 502 Coney Island Ave Brooklyn, NY - City Council District 40
    On this stretch of CIA, there are constantly cars parked perpendicular to traffic jutting out into traffic, causing backups and potential accidents. This is just one example, but any time you drive down CIA you'll see the same.
  • 643 W. 172nd St. New York, NY - Borough Park

    New York is drenched in unnecessary honking, but in Washington Heights the problem is simply unbearable. Since the neighborhood is served by very few yellow cabs, hundreds of gypsy cabs ply the streets and honk whenever they see someone standing on the sidewalk to get their attention. This is a poor business practice and a non-stop, round-the-clock source of noise that seems to penetrate into every apartment in the neighborhood.

    Aside from gypsy cabs, many motorists in the neighborhood are in the habit of pulling up outside someone's apartment and using their car horn as a doorbell. This is gratuitous and very unfair. There is no need to announce your arrival to every single person on the street and bludgeon their ears with your car horn. Traffic citations should be issued for this practice.

    The third vector of the honking plague is simply motorist anger, aggression, and impatience. Hesitating for more than a nanosecond at a green light, attempting to change lanes, double parking for 2 seconds to drop someone off, etc., etc., are all occasion for you, and everyone within earshot, to endure a vicious aural assault. This of course happens throughout the city, but in a honking hotspot like Washington Heights, it really adds insult to injury.

    Excessive noise is more than a nuisance, particularly when it drifts in through windows and walls into your home. It has been associated with increased blood pressure, difficulty focusing on and completing tasks, and a sense of hopelessness. To say nothing of its effect on sleep. According to the NY Times, the city has anti honking ordinance, but it is not enforced:

    In tonier neighborhoods, there are signs warning of fines for unlawful honking. I'm not implying that these signs are actually observed, but at least they have some sort of calming effect in nice neighborhoods. But in poor areas like Washington Heights, already under stress from a host of other social problems, unmitigated honking has reached an absolutely intolerable level.

    Cynics will scoff at any serious effort to curb honking in NY City. Others will even embrace honking as an indelible part of NY's distinctive urban fabric. I disagree. I think honking can and should be muzzled. I consider it a public health issue, not merely a quality of life issue. If you agree that a campaign should be waged against honking, vote for this issue on SCF.

    Speaking more generally, if NY City wants to take itself seriously as a pedestrian and transit-oriented town, instead of continuing to kowtow to the automobile, then motorists need to know that if they're driving through the city they need to treat it with respect (this also applies to the reckless speeding and maneuvering that is pandemic in NYC).

  • 95 East Second Street Windsor Terrace/Brooklyn/Kings, NY - Park Slope
    The street light in front of 95 East 2nd Street in the Windsor Terrace neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, is out.
  • 405 Mcdonald Ave Brooklyn, NY 11218, USA - Borough Park
    People on line and 1 person tending to them
  • 601 To 611 W 137 St manhattan, New York, NY - Borough Park
    Wall Street speculative money is invested in New York City's housing market with the ploy to remove tenants from rent-stabilized housing and rent those units at market price. There are many forms of illegal and legal harassment being employed to achieve this. In my instance, Extell Development Corp. changed all the windows of the building when they were in good working condition to request a Major Capital Improvement when it was not needed. This is a rent increase since after they pay off the windows and labor the tenant continues to pay for the MCI. Legislation is needed to prevent the displacement of tenants and the disruption of communities. Will you advocate and legislate for the tenants?
  • 500-598 Church Ave Brooklyn, NY 11218, USA - Borough Park
    Two tireless bikes, still chained to the post. Poor owners.
  • 330 Ocean Parkway New York City, NY 11218, United States of America - Borough Park
    Tooooo big