Open Issues: 74
Closed Issues: 947
Acknowledged Issues: 568
Watching issues created after: 2015-03-31
Notified About
Traffic Safety (non-emergency) AcknowledgedSnake Rd & Shepherd Canyon Rd Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Shepherd CanyonWe are in need of better signage during the road work. Drivers are still misunderstanding the detour signs heading east on Snake and driving into oncoming traffic on Shepherd Canyon, rather than taking the detour up the hill on Snake. This could be remedied by either moving the road closed sign to the intersection, or adding a DO NOT enter sign at the Shepherd Canyon. Extremely dangerous conditions persist.
Pothole Archived6916 Shepherd Canyon Rd Oakland, CA 94611, USA - Shepherd CanyonNow there are two potholes and it is really bad!
Pothole Archived7875 Skyline Boulevard Oakland, CA 94611, USA - Shepherd CanyonThis monster pothole on skyline has been there for months and just keeps getting bigger and it's right in the northbound path of many cyclists who frequent this route.
Park - Landscape Maintenance Acknowledged2187 Magellan Dr Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Shepherd CanyonMudslide/Landslide on the city property/hill. This is washing debris & mud into the Pathway below and causing disruption. The city should put some erosion control or mitigation in place to stop the mudslide.
Streets - Street Deterioration Acknowledged2-98 Eastwood Ct Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Shepherd CanyonThe rain has caused the entrance to Eastwood Ct. from Shepherd Canyon to partially collapse. The turn onto the street is sharp and delivery trucks' rear wheels often cut it short as seen by the scratches to the asphalt. There's now even less room to negotiate the turn for residents, visitors and service vehicles. Furthermore, the hydrant is now at risk of being knocked over - it was already moved back some years ago because of a few accidents that knocked it over resulting in geysers and fire department response to shut off the water.
6555 Montclair Railroad Trail Oakland, California - Shepherd CanyonThis pile of cut trees has been at this site for months and is dried up and a fire hazard. Can someone remove it?
Streets - Street Deterioration Acknowledged5965 Shepherd Canyon Rd Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - Shepherd Canyon
Shepherd Canyon Dr has been cut up and repaved poorly by the contractor who did sewer and water hookups for the newly constructed home.
The repair is at places 3 inches below grade, and poses a hazard to cars and bicycles.
Illegal Dumping Archived2395 Mountain Blvd Oakland, CA 94611, USA - Shepherd CanyonShopping cart and trash
Pothole Acknowledged2251-2345 Scout Rd Oakland, CA 94611, USA - Shepherd CanyonHuge pothole about 4 feet wide in the middle of Scout Rd, closer to Mountain Blvd. School is starting soon and this will cause traffic problems for parents driving to Montera.
7260 Sayre Dr. Oakland, California - Shepherd CanyonThe area behind our house has become a dumping ground. There are numerous fire hazards, a broken down car, a couch, plastic containers, WM trash cans filled with debris, logs, a rusted metal barrel, gas powered lawnmowers (unsure if functional or not). There are also other vehicles parked nearby that have not been moved for over a year, including a truck filled with dried up landscaping debris.