Virginia Park
Open Issues: 6
Closed Issues: 1,456
Acknowledged Issues: 8
Watching issues created after: 2015-04-21
Notified About
Traffic Sign Issue Archived1190 Seward Ave Detroit, MI 48202, USA - US Congressional District MI13"No Left Turn" sign on the northeast corner of Third & Seward is defaced
Blocked Catch Basin Archived7472 Woodrow Wilson St Detroit, MI 48206, USA - US Congressional District MI13Water is pooling in the street
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived7635 Woodrow Wilson St Detroit MI 48206, United States - US Congressional District MI13There has been constant trash and debris in front of this property for months Landlord is not maintaining the property
Illegal Dump Sites Archived7437 Churchill St Detroit, MI 48206, USA - US Congressional District MI13Constant illegal dump site. My niece and I have cleaned it up and placed all the items in one big pile. It would be quite fantastic if it could be picked up asap. Called Waste Management to report and was told to report it on this app. Will contact my District 5 manager in hopes of having it completed.
Blocked Catch Basin Archived7461-7469 Churchill St Detroit, MI 48206, USA - US Congressional District MI13Street and berms flooded, drain clogged
Curbside - DPW ONLY Archived7434 Woodrow Wilson St Detroit, MI 48206, USA - US Congressional District MI13
1455 Virginia Park St Detroit, MI, 48206, USA - US Congressional District MI13originally reported as SCF# 14251481 - illegal dumping in progress
Illegal Dump Sites Archived1701 Bethune Ave W Detroit, MI 48206, USA - US Congressional District MI13there is still a huge pile of dirt in the alley, now covered with overgrowth. please have the owner remove it or remove it and leave them a bill...
Water Main Break Archived2715 West Grand Boulevard Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI13Westbound W Grand Blvd & Poe Street - sinkhole forming at the turnaround from eastbound W Grand Blvd to Westbound W Grand Blvd
Illegal Dump Sites Archived2617 W Grand Blvd Detroit MI 48208 - US Congressional District MI13bags of trash by park entrance on corner
Vacant Lot Cutting Archived1259 W Euclid St Detroit MI 48202, United States - US Congressional District MI13Property not being maintained. Home was occupied, then someone starting cleaning it out, and now nothing. Windows are missing, now is over grown, and trash everywhere ....