Ward 8 Alderman Aaron Greenberg

Open Issues: 151 Closed Issues: 9,466 Acknowledged Issues: 147
Watching issues created after: 2008-12-09

These emails are sent to the Ward 8 Alderman

Notified About

  • Fair Haven New Haven, CT, USA - Mill River

    Along the East bank of the Mill River between State Street and Humphrey Street along the Western property line of the old CT Transit site lies a great trail opportunity with little upfront cost to tax-payers.

    Readying this connection for a trail will pave the way for recreational access between East Rock Park and Grand Avenue.

    We have spoken with City Plan and City Engineering and it appears that this is a reasonable request and use for the river shores.

    We have also spoken to State Representative Roland Lemar who supports the project and believes that with interest from resident's demonstrated we can get a trail funded here.

    If you would use this area recreationally or would like to see this trail created please vote up this issue and share it with neighbors. As organizers we would like to see that there is real interest(50 or more votes might convince us :) from the community before we organize to push the issue to the State.

    If you have thoughts in support or opposition please add them in the comments!

    Let's make the Mill River something New Haven can be proud of again.

  • 82 Court St New Haven, CT 06511 - Wooster Square
    The bridge on Court Street between State and Artizan is unbelievably dark. The same bridge on Chapel has 2 lights and yet far more people travel via Court from downtown to get home to Wooster Square. Please fix!
  • 374 East St New Haven, CT 06511 - Mill River

    On my way home from work yesterday I came across this!

    5 off road (2 dirt bikes and 3 quads) barreling down East Street at top speed.
    They blew through the light, causing oncoming traffic to screech to a stop as they continued to tear down the street at top speed.

    I managed to take a picture as fast as I could.
    What can be done about this???

  • 253 State Street New Haven, Connecticut - Downtown
    When I drive down State St. (which is often) I see this graffiti tag that reads "Supa-Thug". This needs to be removed ASAP, it is an eye sore to the community, especially in downtown New Haven, I don't thing we need to be looking at the words "Thug" when we are around town; it's disgusting that whomever is responsible for the property hasn't fixed this already.
  • Humphrey St New Haven, CT - SOHU

    We have a beautiful tree canopy on Upper State Street but unfortunately it makes the busy restaurant corridor very dark at night.

    It would be really excellent to have a low level street lighting like other commercial districts in the City.

  • Pearl Street New Haven, CT - SOHU
    Pearl Street has a PCI of 55 and is in need of a
  • 15 Olive Street New Haven, Connecticut - Wooster Square

    *Elizabeth Nearing has given us permission to share her story*

    Last night, our friend Elizabeth Nearing was in a car accident on her bike. Despite bruises and a severely bent helmet, she's ok — resting, but okay.

    Elizabeth was on her way to present at the Pecha Kucha on her work as Community Engagement Manager at Long Wharf Theatre. Coming from Long Wharf, she turned onto Olive Street from Water Street. It was dark, so she was wearing a reflective raincoat with both front and rear lights. She was also wearing her helmet and riding far to the right of the lane.

    As she was passing Wooster Street, a car going 25 mph turned into her. Elizabeth's helmet was severely bent and the car's windshield was cracked.


    As a friend of Elizabeth, I am extremely grateful that she is safe.
    As a citizen, I am extremely concerned.

    Olive Street needs be a safer place for all folks — pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists — to travel safely. To start, there are a few core things that could be implemented:

    -Better lighting for visibility
    -Signage for bicyclists
    -A stop sign at Olive and Wooster
    -A protected bike lane

    Would love to hear others thoughts and continue this conversation.

  • Wooster Sq New Haven, CT - Wooster Square
    Yet another 8 cars (at least) in the Wooster Square area have been broken into with crow bars early in the morning of 11/12/10. NHPD were on scene as at least 2 perpetrators were witnessed fleeing the area. The Wooster Square area has been under siege by this rash of car break-ins over the past several months. Enhanced NHPD patrols are needed between 12a and 5a to catch the thieves/vandals in the act. Countless vehicles have been hit in the past 3 weeks, despite no visible items or other items of value in the cars.
  • 47-71 Court St New Haven, Connecticut - Wooster Square
    makes court street very dark
  • 59 Court St New Haven, CT 06511 - Wooster Square

    I created a new issue. Each incident should be a new issue in my opinion. This helps demonstrate the seriousness.

    Tonight, between 6 and 6:30 pm there was another mugging on Court
    Street between Olive and Artizan Streets near the Friendship House
    apartments. 2 men slammed a neighbor to the ground and took his
    wallet and cell phone. Coincidentally, a coworker of the victim was
    on his way home at the end of the incident and called the police.
    Details are still coming in and I will let you know when I have a full
    description of the attackers.

    Please, do not walk home after dark on Court Street on the north side
    of the street. Walk with a friend, do whatever you can to stay safe.
    Go on SeeClickFix.com and comment and vote to have the muggings

  • mugging Archived
    Court And Olive 06511 - Wooster Square
    From the New Haven Independent. This all seems to continue.
    At 8:15 p.m. on Thursday, four men mugged someone at the corner of Court and
    Olive Streets. Two of the muggers had handguns. They took a cellphone and a
    black wallet with $25.
    someone needs to fix this asap. this continues to happen at the *same* location, on a nightly or regular basis. why can't we get some more attention to this matter.
  • 259 State Street New Haven, CT - Downtown

    Since its opening in 2002, the New Haven State Street Train Station has served downtown New Haven in only a limited capacity and largely serves as a Shoreline East terminus for CT Commuter Rail. Metro-North trains only serve the station on a limited morning and evening basis, with no midday trains to or from Grand Central between 10am and 3:30pm, no trains arriving or departing after 6pm, and no weekend trains.

    The New Haven State Street Station is ideally located in downtown New Haven to serve the neighborhoods of Wooster Square and Downtown, which have seen significant increases in population in recent years. With the completion of the 360 State project, there are now also 500 public parking spaces available in a vibrant urban center directly across from the station, making it all the more accessible to commuters.

    With residential capacity higher than ever surrounding the station, and a growing demand for more public transportation options, it is time to bring Metro-North full service to New Haven State Street Station.
