Dixwell PLUS
Open Issues: 0
Closed Issues: 6
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Watching issues created after: 2015-10-14
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273 Ashmun St New Haven, CT - Monterey Place
This NHI article states that a daycare would be a way to bridge the gap between Sci Park and Dixwell/NewHall.
There is much need for a community room a web access in both of these neighborhoods.
The Rose center is exclusive to those enrolled in programs and the library is too far for many. Science park is a good neutral area for kids to have a community room.
Click "I want this fixed too" if you believe that a community room would benefit the negihborhood.
Not enough lighting for the library Archived200 Dixwell Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - DixwellThere isn't enough lighting in the back parking lot of the Library Stetson Branch
Missing Catch Basin Archived190 Dixwell Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - DixwellResident reports a missing storm grate on the private road behind the plaza (Stetson Library). Please replace,
Bike Share Station Location Request ArchivedDixwell Library New Haven, Connecticut - DixwellDixwell Library