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Parks Request--Ideat Village Archived137 Orange St New Haven, CT 06510, USA - 770 Chapel BigIdeat Village permits for Pitkin Plaza have been curtailed from having any amplification after 7:45pm, impacting most of our free, outdoor, participatory programming. This decision is arbitrary, and not in the best interests of the public at large. We have diverse, eclectic programming scheduled to go until 10pm, as we have done downtown, in the City of New Haven, for the last 9 years.
121 Elm St New Haven, CT 06510, USA - Town_Green
Recent layoffs have meant that as of February 28, 2011, the total number of hours that the New Haven main library branch opens have been reduced from 185 hours per month to 148. The branches have taken the brunt of the reductions, with monthly hours reduced from 136 to 96 including elimination of Saturday hours.
The closing of the libraries is a crucial issue of public space and civic vitality in New Haven. Libraries should be active community hubs where neighbors can meet and cement relationships, not abandoned buildings.
Public Libraries are educational agencies that provide materials and services to all members in the community from preschoolers to seniors. The library is accessible to students for study and research when public schools are not open. The library provides the only computer access some public school students have to complete their homework assignments.
Public Libraries help build a strong economy. Our unemployment rate has been at least 12%, and likely to be above 50% among youth in some city neighborhoods. Many employers have transitioned to online employment applications. Public Libraries provide the only access some people have to computer technology and job searches.
Please "vote" here if you believe that the City of New Haven should immediately restore all of the eliminated library hours, either through re-hiring of laid off employees or through other measures.
Information, updates and additional ways to advocate for this issue will be posted here and you will receive them if you request to be notified of updates.
(I have posted this at the request of an elderly New Haven resident who no longer has access to the internet, due to closing of library hours on Saturday in her neighborhood)
Elm Street Cycle Track? Acknowledged238 Elm St New Haven, CT - Downtown
Last year, in their Downtown Bicycle and Pedestrian Gap Analysis (, Nelson\Nygaard Consultants recommended a physically separated bike lane—or cycle track—on Elm Street. How would you design such a facility? View a 3D mock-up of two potential designs here and offer your suggestions. Don't like it? Download Google SketchUp to your computer here: and then download my drawings here: and give it your best shot.
For cycle track design guidelines and best practices, have a look at this design guide from the National Association of City Transportation Officials:
and this report from bicycle-oriented transportation planning consultants at Alta Planning: -
New Haven CT - Downtown
Nominate New Haven Here: More Info Visit: the Facebook Group:
Google is planning to build, and test ultra-high speed broadband networks in a small number of trial locations across the country. They will deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today with 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections. Google will offer service at a competitive price to at least 50,000, and potentially up to 500,000 people.
157 Church St New Haven, CT 06510, USA - Town_Green
This is a thread to discuss issues related to the ongoing problem of violence in some areas of New Haven and surrounding towns. Please vote here if you want to see this problem addressed and if you agree:
1. Every citizen has the right to freedom from fear: a safe neighborhood and a safe house.
2. No child living in New Haven or anywhere else nearby should have to hear gunshots every week in their neighborhood (I currently do!).
3. A friend recently said "it is easier to get a gun than a quart of milk in my neighborhood." This is obviously not an acceptable situation.
4. A comprehensive community strategy is needed to stop the violence. Elected representatives should be able to explain exactly what they are doing to support the community's strategy.
5. The constant outdoor gunfire at the police training range is not acceptable. People living in Newhallville and Beaver Hills hear constant gunfire from this range and it sends the wrong message.
Please post ideas for community organizing to stop the message, links to relevant pages, etc -- and send the message to everyone that enough is enough!
Related articles: -
Drivers Ignoring the Crosswalk Acknowledged468 College St New Haven, CT 06511 - DowntownDrivers going both ways on College never stop at the pedestrian crosswalk at the Wall St. intersection. Yale Police needs to crack down on this, since it's only a matter of time before a pedestrian gets seriously hurt here.
"Thug" graffiti vandalism Archived253 State Street New Haven, Connecticut - DowntownWhen I drive down State St. (which is often) I see this graffiti tag that reads "Supa-Thug". This needs to be removed ASAP, it is an eye sore to the community, especially in downtown New Haven, I don't thing we need to be looking at the words "Thug" when we are around town; it's disgusting that whomever is responsible for the property hasn't fixed this already.
HUGE pothole ArchivedGlen Rd. Between Winthrop And Norton New Haven, CT - DowntownHuge pothole on the middle of the street. Took out 2 of my tires.
127 Church St New Haven, CT 06510, USA - Town_Green
This is what the street looks like at 9:30AM. Massive excess of road capacity which leads to speeding, combined with poor conditions for pedestrians and cyclists.
A buffered bike lane, which is a standard in NYC and Philadelphia now, would make the street safer for all road users by narrowing it and reducing speed.
This is a very popular bike route and with an actual lane, bike use would triple overnight (based on experiences of other cities that do this). This would free up more parking for local businesses to thrive and hire more staff.
986 Chapel St New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Town_Green
A former comedy club, this Yale-owned storefront at 986 Chapel Street has been empty since before Bruce Alexander came to New Haven in 1998. (Out of fairness to Bruce, Yale didn't take ownership of this piece of the Schiavone portfolio until 1999.)
C'mon Bruce, you're a real estate whiz. I know you and Yale can do better, -- especially given the fact that this is such a great location. Renovate the hideous storefront into something respectable, and then I bet you'll find a good tenant in a hurry.
PS -- It is not okay that next door at 976 Chapel is also a permanently dead storefront. I understand that it is such a big space that it's tough to rent. However, lower the rent if you have to! This is prime real estate, and the neighborhood deserves another lively retail tenant.
Bruce's bio here: Bruce, (politely please), at
No Pedestrian Signal ArchivedThis is where you cross Route 34 with no pedestrian crossing signals to guide you. A life or death situation every time. Due to be fixed eventually, but it would be nice if it happened sooner.
Cops Constantly Illegally Parked ArchivedChapel And High Street - Town_GreenI have seen cops on a daily bases park illegally underneath the stop light, get out of their car, walk into starbucks, get a coffee and walk out to their car and leave. I am pretty sure that they are only allowed to break the law for reasonable reasons or if they are doing something positive like stopping a crime. I don’t think getting a coffee or going to News Haven applies to this situation. I would like it stopped, and for our cops to start obeying the same laws they enforce on us.