Commission District 7- Pinellas County, FL PLUS
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More loud music last night Archived1049 Central Ave St Petersburg, Florida - St. PetersburgThe Amsterdam had loud music again last night, that continued until Midnight...on a Monday! Calling police doesn't do much.
Codes Compliance Archived146 18th Ave. Ne Saint Petersburg, Fl 33704 - Historic Old Northeast
After several complaints 146 18th Ave NE is still operating as an AirBnB. It is currently being rented and continues to be listed online,
How many complaints will it take to stop this?
Traffic Issue Archived9th St N And 17th Ave N Saint Petersburg, Florida - St. PetersburgThe cross walk painted on 9th St N near 17th Ave N is used frequently by people going to/from Crescent Lake. However, the street marking and signage are so hard to see that many drivers speed past while people are waiting to cross. It is very dangerous for pedestrians, especially the many children in the surrounding neighborhoods. In this location - where drivers don't stop at the area designated as the safest place to cross - the cross walk only provides a false sense of security. Is it possible to repaint the cross walk, making it more obvious to drivers, and to place better signage on the side of the road? Ideally, the best option would be to install a median (similar to that on 4th St N near 20th Ave N) that made the pedestrian crossing more obvious. Thank you for your attention to this matter!
Traffic Sign or Signal Issue Archived7121 9th Ave N St. Petersburg Fl 33710 Saint Petersburg Florida - Azalea Homes Community Association
I would like to invite you to witness the sheer number of cars that are excessively speeding on 9th Ave N, west of 66th st. It seems as if most of these drivers use it as a quick connector from Park St., without realizing that the speed limit actually tapers down to 25-30mph to quell speeders travelling through, as 9th ave transitions to residential.
This may be significantly problematic, because of the presence of the Pinellas Trail. I have seen a couple of dangerous occurrences happen right before my eyes. I saw two teen-aged males, who weren't prudent enough to walk thier bikes across the crosswalk, almost get clipped by a car. SPC is nearby and I see other students crossing here as well.
The cars that stop when the crosswalk strobe is activated also seem to be sitting ducks for possible accidents. Working from my home office, I have seen (and heard the screechng of) at least two occasions where an abiding car would stop so someone could cross the trail, only to be nearly rear-ended by the car behind them. The tire skid marks should still be there to serve as ample evidence of this.
There is signage forewarning drivers of the upcoming crosswalk, as well as posted speed limit signs. However, I think that this segment of 9th as well as 5th ave where the trail crosses, would highly benefit from digital radar-equipped speed limit signs to make it obvious for drivers to slow down, before someone gets seriously injured. It's just too easy for drivers to assume that this stretch of 9th is 40-45mph like the rest of the avenue crossing the city.
550 9th Ave South Saint Petersburg, Florida - Historic Roser Park Neighborhood AssociationBetween 4th & 6th St S, There is an alarming number of people (10 - 15 vehicles a day) going the wrong way on the one way 9th Ave S. This is a major safety issue as people coming around the corner simply cannot see the wrong way cars and I see near accidents all the time on this road. Just a matter of time before something tragic happens.
600 Mlk S. Saint Petersburg, Florida - St. PetersburgThere is a "shantytown" that has cropped up on the green space next to Staybridge Suites and is being lived in. The presence of this mess is frightening residents in the area. It's a terrible eyesore. Please remove or dismantle if possible. If we can't park in our yards, how can this mess be allowed to exist. Tow them away.
1547 34th Ave N St Petersburg, Florida - Magnolia Heights Neighborhood AssociationNot interested in the $2,500,000+/yr con job that I'm forced to take part in. It doesn't cost this much to remove commodities.
Other ArchivedCoffee Pot Park - North East Park Neighborhood AssociationThis is what I had to walk past going thru the park where children are playing. C'mon St Pete, fix this problem.
Other Archived2047 2nd Ave N Saint Petersburg, Florida - Historic Kenwood Neighborhood AssociationPeople living in filthy conditions in garage with smell of feces coming from it. Cats are infested within the garage including kittens and stray's. Tents set up in the back yard and animal feces surrounding fence and alley way. Not sure of who is living there, but neighbors do not want to park or go in the alley way. This is a public nuisance when they open the garage door, feed the stray cats, and we are unsure of who is in there?
Codes Compliance Archived1550 25th St N Saint Petersburg, Florida - North Kenwood Neighborhood Associationseveral cars need to go. House is a wreck. Rotted wood,outdoor storage
Codes Compliance Archived4638 - 4th Ave N. St. Petersburg, Florida - Central Oak Park Neighborhood AssociationAside from basic code violations as overgrown yard, there is a dead tree in the yard, junk on the non-alley side of the house. This has been a chonic problem for YEARS with this house and the city has usually solved it in the past years. BUT this year, a problem was first reported in JUNE 2014, a notice of a court appearence was issued in late AUG 2014 and here we are in OCT and Nothing has been done. I AM not a city manager, councilmember or city employee, we are just your average taxpayers wondering why nothing has been done. I have enclosed pictures: you will notice SOME OF THE WEEDS ARE AS HIGH AS THE 4 FOOT FENCE. Can we expect something to be done before Thanksgiving? 6 months should be enough time. Send a crew out to clean up the mess and bill the homeowner. [ sadly i can only upload one image which only begins to illustrate the multiple code violations] Please help