NA - Brighton Bay PLUS

Open Issues: 1 Closed Issues: 264 Acknowledged Issues: 1
Watching issues created after: 2015-11-18

Notified About

  • Black Lion Drive Northeast Saint Petersburg, FL - Brighton Bay
  • Addison Dr Ne Saint Petersburg, Florida - Brighton Bay

    The left turn from Brighton Bay Blvd onto Addison Dr NE has become very dangerous due to legally parked cars at the immediate intersection and a large hedge blocking the view to the left. Due to the parked cars, when turning left, the driver must turn directly into oncoming traffic without a clear view.

    I have asked to have the hedge removed but would like to find out if parking could be restricted on the street at least for the first 100 yards around the intersection on both sides of the street.

    The overall street has become dangerous due to parked cars but the intersection is particularly bad.


  • 709 Addison Dr Ne St. Petersburg, FL 33716, USA - Brighton Bay
    The mosquitoes this year in the sterling manor division are the worst yet.
  • 875 Addison Dr Ne Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33716 - Brighton Bay
    Sidewalk between 863 and 875 Addison Drive NE is very slippery due to algae. Appears to be a water leak. Especially dangerous when sidewalk otherwise wet as walkers/runners may not notice.
  • 912 Addison Dr Ne St. Petersburg, FL 33716, USA - Brighton Bay
    the water meter box keeps flooding.
    also do i share sewer pipes with my neighbors from the house to the pipe at the street.
  • 854 Addison Dr Ne Saint Petersburg FL 33716, United States - Brighton Bay
    We submitted this special pickup request on September 3, and it was closed a few days later but never picked up
  • 640 Somerhill Dr Ne Saint Petersburg FL 33716, United States - Brighton Bay
    Severe erosion of asphalt at the bend in the road. It has created a deep crevice. It is at the corner of Somerhill Dr NE & Addison Dr NE.
  • 615 Addison Dr Ne St. Petersburg, FL 33716, USA - Brighton Bay
    Multiple sidewalks are cracked and depressed.
    Not safe at all. We have been here 20 plus years no sidewalk repairs or street paving since the houses were built. please address. it is the entire circle of Addison and the aide street of Somerhill
  • 880 Addison Dr Ne Saint Petersburg, FL, 33716, USA - Brighton Bay
    I have a king mattress and two box springs to dispose of.
  • Other Archived
    612 Black Lion Dr Saint Petersburg, FL, 33716, USA - Brighton Bay
    Request for 2 new street signs due to fading
    "Black Lion Dr NE"
    "Shoreham Court NE"
    Located in Brighton Bay Apartment community
  • Traffic Issue Archived
    Addison Dr Ne Saint Petersburg, FL, 33716, USA - Brighton Bay
    I live on Addison and due to the street parking the road is extremely dangerous. There is barely enough room in one direction for a car to pass and on blind curves if another car is coming the opposite direction there is often a close call or a nice dance to allow one to pass.
    Add the fact that people are often walking, running, or riding bikes in the street and the situation is very dangerous, especially in the morning or early evening when the sun is blinding. This may be impossible but can the entire street become no parking or at least the corners?
  • 544 Black Lion Dr Ne Saint Petersburg, FL, 33716, USA - Brighton Bay