Detroit Mexicantown West
Open Issues: 10
Closed Issues: 1,212
Acknowledged Issues: 31
Watching issues created after: 2016-02-21
Detroit Mexicantown West
Notified About
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived3600-3742 Bagley St Detroit, MI, 48216, USA - US Congressional District MI13A neighbor keeps dumping on the north side of the street and not abiding by bulk pickup days or rules surrounding debris. This is not from the owners of the lots it is on!
Illegal Dump Sites Archived3628 Bagley St Detroit MI 48216, United States - US Congressional District MI13This pile has been steadily growing in front of the empty lot for weeks. It was not picked up on bulk day last week, and I'm not convinced it will be in the future since it doesn't follow yard waste requirements from GFL. It's blocking the sidewalk.
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived3964 Lafayette Blvd W Detroit, MI, 48216, USA - US Congressional District MI13Vacant Blighted House & Property Owner @ this highly visible corner property has not cleaned all of the trash, litter for years all around his property along the fence-line, city berm, curb-line & curb-street = filthy & rodent attracting!
415 W Grand Blvd Detroit, MI 48216, USA - US Congressional District MI13demo and new porch, change in materials. new driveway. new roof.
Reboard House Request Archived1601 Clark St Detroit, Michigan, 48209 - US Congressional District MI13Old YMCA
Traffic Complaints Archived1423 Clark Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI13Speeding cars and semi-trucks are travelling down Clark street during school hours and while children are leaving school. Many of these vehicles are running red lights and rolling through stop signs. The truck traffic should be re-routed to Livernois or Rosa Parks; slower speed limits posted and enforced, and a police officer from the DPD or DPSD should be present. Our children's lives are at great risk.
Manhole Cover Issue Archived3836-3850 West Lafayette Boulevard Detroit, MI 48216, USA - US Congressional District MI13Manhole is at entrance to alley on south side of street by corner park (side closer to det. River). Cement around the manhole is caving in and creating a sinkhole.
1116 Vinewood St Detroit, MI, 48216, USA - US Congressional District MI13Tall weeds and grass in the front and rear yards.
Investigate Water Main Break Archived393 W Grand Blvd Detroit, MI 48216, USA - US Congressional District MI13water is pouring up and out of man hole on corner
Illegal Dump Sites Archived3907 Porter St Detroit, MI 48216, USA - US Congressional District MI13wrong solid waste service vehicle used (with claw), leaving broken glass shards and debris along berm and in road
Illegal Dump Sites Archived370 W Grand Blvd Detroit, MI 48216, USA - US Congressional District MI13someone tell Mike ilitch to stop leaving his broken down trucks in my neighborhood. definitely half a dozen violations of the property maintenance ordinance in this picture alone. Plz forward to BSEED and tell them their inaction is inexcusable
Illegal Dump Sites Archived4007 W Vernor Hwy Detroit 48209, United States - US Congressional District MI13Purported Autism Donation Box blight and neglect