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Sign Violation Archived13 Plaza Dr Folsom, CA 95630, USA - FolsomGoodwill has a lot of people who park by the curb right in front of the main entrance. The same goes for the property where RetailPro. Because of this, cars that need to turn left or right from Parkshore Dr to Plaza Dr, have no visibility of oncoming traffic due to all the parked cars. I've been in situations where I was almost hit, specially when it's really bright out, and seen other cars almost being hit. We need either a three way stop sign, or a roundabout . This is really dangerous specially since all the new homes that are being built on Parkshore will only bring in more traffic at that intersection.
Streetscape/Landscape Maintenance ArchivedIntersection Of Parkshore Drive And Plaza Drive Folsom, California - FolsomTraffic hazard is created because people park along the curbs right up to the intersection at Goodwill and Tricks Gymnastics along Plaza and Parkshore making it difficult to see traffic when turning from Parkshore onto Plaza.Traffic on Parkshore and Plaza has increased substantially with the Parkshore and Farmhouse home development and people cutting through on Parkshore from Blue Ravine - Folsom Blvd. No parking signs or a no parking red curb are needed at / near the intersection to improve safety.
101 Glenn Dr Folsom, CA 95630, USA - FolsomThere has been many occasions that homeless people are sleeping outside the joining wall of my property and the cities. I would the the bush overgrowth cleared out so people will be visible from the street and not sleep there.
Homeless camp Archived470-476 Blue Ravine Rd Folsom, CA 95630, USA - FolsomHomeless encampment off bike trail along blue ravine across from folsom middle school. Large amounts of trash accumulating for past two weeks. Now two shopping carts parked on side of trail with trash in them and visible camp from trail near creek.
Trail Maintenance Archived1124-1148 Riley St Folsom, CA, 95630, USA - FolsomWell established Illegal commune campsite approx 50 yards into green belt off Lembi Park soccer field. Tents/structures, Furniture of all types, containers of all types, pile of bikes/parts, tiki torches etc., etc., photo depicts entrance into campsite but more tents/shelters stretch further back inside this green belt area.
Sign Violation ArchivedParkshore Drive Folsom, California - FolsomI live in the Woodside complex off of Parkshore Drive and across the street from the new Black Pine development. There is no stop sign when you leave the Black Pine development going onto Parkshore Drive! Also, the speed limit on Parkshore Drive is designated at 40 mph which I feel is too fast for such a narrow road, one that is used by people walking their dogs or taking their kids out in strollers for walks. Could the speed limit be lowered to 30 mph or lower? Also, cars are still being parked alongside Plaza Dive near Parkshore, and it is still causing visibility problems when you drive onto Plaza Drive. No stopping signs were recently put up, but drivers are still parking there. What if you were to paint the curbside red? I'm sure that would catch the eyes of these drivers who seem impervious to the signs... Just a suggestion.
Traffic safety Archived823 Wales Dr Folsom, California - FolsomDrivers going in to Starbucks in Wales dr. are making unsafe and illegal turns in and out of the exit right before the light at Wales. They are either turning left across a double yellow line and waiting to merge into traffic while they are in the westbound turn lane. Or drivers coming east are crossing the double yellow line and waiting in the westbound turn lane that is for the aquatic center. It is hazardous and unsafe. It’s only a matter of time before someone causes and accident. A friend of mine riding his bike was almost hit by a driver that was coming out of that Starbucks.
Accessibility/ADA Archived2130-2138 E Bidwell St Folsom, CA 95630, USA - FolsomSidewalk ends for approx 50 feet casing pedestrians to have to go through gravel and onto road.
Trail Maintenance ArchivedLembi Park 1398 Riley St, Folsom, CA, 95630, USA - FolsomIllegal campsite on green belt walking trail behind aquatic center near the Lembi Park soccer field/volleyball sand pit. Orange tent next to large pile of collected dry twigs combined with nearby dry grasses and fallen tree leaves is potential fuel for an unintended fire.
Park Maintenance Archived1302 Riley St Folsom CA 95630, United States - Folsom
Lembi Park main, middle, & south parking lots full Saturday morning due to sporting tournaments on all 4 ballfields & large swimming event at aquatic center.
Disheartened to see families circling parking lots desperately seeking parking spaces. Vehicles required to double park and park on grass.
All the while people living in RV's in Lembi Park, long-term, illegally parallel parking, are blocking multiple diagonally striped car parking spots.
I'm sure some of those many families driving in circles, would have loved to have parked in the shady parking spaces claimed by this man living long-term in this motorhome.
Large gas generator is running next to entrance door and is padlocked to motorhome undercarriage frame.
Black house running from gas generator, under motorhome & up into access door on driver side.
Modified metal piping extending out from under motorhome where hose enters compartment.
Large cardboard box from new 27 speed mountain bike dumped on park grass next to motorhome.
Gas Fumes from generator no doubt seeping inside motorhome.
If man can purchase a new "SIRDAR" mountain bike and a fancy new gas generator, he can surely pay to park in an authorized RV campground.