
Open Issues: 60 Closed Issues: 9,035 Acknowledged Issues: 145
Watching issues created after: 2016-04-25

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  • Alewife Brook Pkwy & Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA, 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    This morning, I had to go to Shattuck Ace hardware, Arlington to pick-up special-order items. Mass Ave was backed up, so I made a right at Churchill Ave (0,2 miles from ABP) to go to Broadway in Somerville. When I turned right onto Alewife Brook Pkwy at the end of Matignon Road, I noticed the westbound Alewife Brook Pkwy was backed up beyond the traffic light at Woodstock Street for total of at least 0.3 miles.
    On the way back, once again, I ran into stalled traffic on the southbound Mass Ave on Arlington side.
    Please do something to mitigate this traffic congestions during rush hour if for nothing else but to reduce air pollution caused by all the idling cars.
    Sometimes the backup on northbound side goes all the way back to Pemberton. All told, there could be a mile or more if cards idling and that is a lot of air pollution!
    Please conduct traffic survey to measure the length of traffic backup on all 4 sides of the intersection during the peak of rush hour. TP&T has shown that they can conduct traffic survey without traffic counters during the community meeting period of the Cycling Safety Ordinance implementation in north Mass Ave so I am sure they can redo this survey.
    Thank you
  • 2177-2201 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA, 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    On morning of 10/22/18, left turn signal from westbound Mass Ave onto westbound Rindge Avenue was not working.
  • 2456 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge MA 02140, United States - North Cambridge
    flex post knocked completely off and blocking the bike lane at Mass Ave and Cedar
  • 2377 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA, 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    I recently submitted an issue regarding the creation of a bus lane in 1 of the 2 lanes on Mass Ave, near Day Street as approaches route 2. It has created incredible traffic congestion. In addition to my previous report, I'd also like to mention it makes even less sense now that MBTA has just announced service cuts. Additionally, as COVID cases rise, many folks are reluctant to take public transportation (understanding for some there is no choice). I have not seen any buses in the bus lane, as I sit in traffic for 30 min for 10 blocks every day (previously 5 min or so). This is incredibly frustrating, in already frustrating times, and I do hope this can be reconsidered.
  • 2382 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge MA 02140, United States - North Cambridge
    3 more cars parked in the bike lane. Completely blocking the area.o
  • 2370 Ma-2a Cambridge, MA 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    Greek Corner customers park illegally every night at the corner of Mass Ave and Dudley. This is more than a bike lane issue. They block car traffic by double parking and they block pedestrians by parking in the crosswalk. The bike lane issue has been a problem every night since the separated lanes were installed. Greek Corner should be made to deal with the problems being caused by their customers.
  • Massachusetts Avenue And Cameron Ave Cambridge, Massachusetts - North Cambridge

    The overlapping signals, while I am sure are important to reduce vehicle congestion, are dangerous at this intersection. This morning my 3 yo son and I were inches from a bumper. We were in the crosswalk at the end of Cameron and a left turning vehicle from Massachusetts avenue onto Cameron screeched to a stop inches from us. The driver looked irritated that we were in his way. I am grateful we are alive. We had the crossing light. He had a green.

    We regularly have these types of problems crossing this intersection, but this is by far our closest call. We use this intersection to get to and from daycare. I dread crossing it.

    The overlapping signals during morning rush hour put pedestrians and vehicles in conflict. This is dangerous to do during rush hour when drivers are already rushed and frustrated. Signage warning to yield to pedestrians doesn't (and cannot) succeed in calming drivers adequately for this design to be safe.

  • 820 Somerville Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts - North Cambridge

    The temporary walkway on Somerville Ave adjacent to the commuter rail tracks lacks accessible ramps/detour signage and protection from cars on this high-traffic roadway directly adjacent to the Porter Square T station.

    The sidewalk is also closed across the street for the Target construction, but they have offered better protection for pedestrians and temporary ramps for accessibility.

  • Van Norden St & Yerxa Rd Cambridge, MA, 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    An opening in the fence or gate in conjunction with the curb cut would allow better access to the school yard and reduce congestion on the sidewalk during arrival/dismissal.
  • Mead St Cambridge, MA, 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    Drivers around rush hour (3pm-8pm) are recklessly driving down Mead st every day often cutting into the wrong lane on Walden st towards mass ave to cut past traffic. Multiple times today alone I was at risk of being hit both as a driver and a pedestrian. They swing around the corner with no visibility often at an inappropriate speed. It is a two way street only large enough for one car at a time and as a resident it becomes unsafe to drive up the street towards Walden st (the opposite direction from these reckless drivers). Exiting driveways is also extremely unsafe, I was almost killed while exiting a driveway today by a car that raced down the street and stopped barely a foot away from hitting me while I was still perpendicular to the road while backing out. He had to go around me because he didn't give me enough space to straighten out and even get close to making room for him to pass appropriately. This street is not equip to handle this kind of traffic. There are children living on this street and it is terrifying for 5 hours of the day. There was a cop placed in front of the street once but had no impact by the next week. What is needed is a sign for residents only even just for the afternoon. PLEASE HELP! This is really really scary and nothing has been done despite my own as well as other complaints I've heard being made by others.
  • 156 Rindge Ave Cambridge, MA 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    drivers at the "new" all way stop between Middlesex Cedar and Rindge streets don't seem to understand that the rules have changed there despite all the warning signs you've put. I've seen people on Rindge repeatedly drive through in the afternoon as if it wasn't there, putting pedestrians and drivers in danger. anything else you can do, like add some pedestrians priority signs? anything you can coordinate with Cambridge police? thanks
  • Mead Street And Walden Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts - North Cambridge
    The extreme traffic at the light at Walden and Mass Ave in North Cambridge during rush hour is being diverted (possibly by a traffic app) left down Mead Street to Cogswell Avenue, where there is now routinely bumper to bumper or speeding traffic during rush hour trying to avoid the light at Walden and Mass Ave to make a turn onto Mass Ave. This is a dangerous situation that is going to imminently result in mishap or accident. Please rectify by installing a "No Thru-Way" or "Do Not Enter Except Abutters" during rush hour sign at the intersection of Walden and Mead Street.