48th Ward / Harry Osterman
Open Issues: 4
Closed Issues: 625
Acknowledged Issues: 90
Watching issues created after: 2016-05-01
Greater 48th Ward (Edgewater, Andersonville and Uptown)
Notified About
Sanitation Code Violation Archived1200 West Lawrence Avenue Chicago, Illinois - Chicago Ward 46The City continues to allow the " tent cities" to break a multitude of city codes that were created to protect the health and welfare of the general public. We have 100 plus people who " have chosen" to live in the park and viaducts rather than move to a shelter that is not located in the area of choice. As a result we have aggressive homeless wandering the area, over turning garbage carts , drinking and drugging in the park and blocking public access to sidewalks and viaducts. Lawerence and Wilson need to be cleaned and rodent baiting done on a weekly basis. One questions the mental stability of any individual who would choose to live in a viaduct in a Chicago winter rather than a shelter. I would guess the primary reason is that shelters are generally " dry". You can not drink and drug in the shelter thus you refuse to go. City codes must be enforced for the welfare of the community. Contact the mayor of Chicago via " Chicago Mayor Feedback Form.
Sanitation Code Violation Archived1200 West Lawrence Avenue Chicago, Illinois - Chicago Ward 46When is the city going to help move the homeless encampment from out of the underpass at Lawrence Avenue and Lake Shore Drive. It's shameful that these people don't have proper places to live/sleep. It's also a public hazard and sanitary issue. This has been here for months/years and should be corrected.
Sanitation Code Violation Archived700-800 W Lawrence Ave Chicago, IL 60640, USA - Chicago Ward 46Tent city of homeless people breaking every sanitation law on the books. I demand immediate removal.
Street Cut Complaints Archived4749 N Magnolia Ave Chicago, IL 60640, États-Unis - Chicago Ward 46Water collects and makes sidewalk impassible
Sanitation Code Violation Archived755 W Lawrence Ave Chicago, IL 60640, USA - Chicago Ward 46Homeless people living in a tent city underneath Lawrence Avenue and Lake Shore Drive bridge create a health, sanitation and safety nuisance.
Sanitation Code Violation Archived850 West Lawrence Avenue Chicago, Illinois - Chicago Ward 48Homeless people sleeping in the grass around the hospital outpatient facility at 850 W Lawrence. Garbage strewn everywhere.
Sanitation Code Violation Archived4814 N Magnolia Ave Chicago, IL 60640, USA - Chicago Ward 46New owner has yet to mow lawn vacant building 4814 n magnolia weeds are 4 feet high rats seen
Post to Neighbors Open5430 N. Sheridan Rd Chicago, Illinois - Chicago Ward 48The parking lot at 5440 is litter filled, unkept grass, rodent filled in grassy area and poorly kept. There needs to be a violation issued to pave the area and make it a proper parking area. Eye sore on Sheridan Rd.
Rats Acknowledged915 West Gunnison Street Chicago, Illinois - Chicago Ward 48Every day we see rats on Gunnison or in the ally behind. The trash at 910 W Lawrence high rise is always open. A neighbor now says they see rats at 852 W Gunnison. What can be done. Bate the ally on the south side, what about the north side of the street there is no ally.
Street Cut Complaints Archived1219 W Lawrence Ave Chicago, IL 60640, USA - Chicago Ward 46Storm sewer backed up causing the side walk to flood in the crosswalk ADA ramp a wheelchair can't cross the street or continue down the side walk to broadway along south side of Lawrence.