LCI - Newhallville/East Rock/Cedar Hill PLUS
Notified About
Traffic/Road Safety Open805 Whitney Avenue New Haven Connecticut - East RockNeither we nor our neighbors can currently cross safely to Edgerton Park and Saint Thomas Church on the other side of the avenue. Cars are driving too fast for this residential area (no one is respecting the 25 miles/hour speed limit) and the next pedestrian crossings on East Rock road and across from the Eli museum are too far and no one uses them as a result. We have two children (2 and 5). We see old people, families, people with strollers and dogs cross all the time at this dangerous juncture. We very much hope the city can install a pedestrian crossing and slow down sign for the safety of all. Thank you.
149 Eagle Street New Haven, Connecticut - East RockVOTE if you want the city to plow the snow on BOTH sides of the street!
New Haven's policy of only ever plowing the odd side of residential streets is wacky.
Now that the odd side is more or less clear, we won't be able to park back on the even side for the next storm, because it will be blocked by frozen piles of snow left behind from people digging themselves out.
VOTE if you want the city to have a second day of plowing the EVEN side of the street, when everyone should move to the ODD side. -
Traffic/Road Safety OpenIntersection Of Cold Spring And Livingston Streets New Haven, Connecticut - East RockThere have been countless accidents at this intersection (and near accidents). We desperately need speed humps, a stop light, or other traffic calming measures to make this a safer intersection for all the children walking to schools and parks.
Farnam Drive New Haven, Connecticut - East RockThere is a growing homeless encampment (one tent last week, four as of this morning) on the (unofficial, unmapped) trail that runs closest to The Mill River and parallel to Farnam Dr. in East Rock Park
Policing Issue ArchivedNash Street New Haven, Connecticut - East RockThere are 2 feuding neighbors on Nash Street, both middle-aged white males with mental health disorders and alcohol and or drug addictions. They have begun to harass new graduate students neighbors with stories and unwelcomed conversation/personal space invasions. 1 of the men (who lives next to the Park on Nash) has been seen in the streets dancing with a sword, mop and broom, in a bathrobe, underwear, or sometimes in the nude. He was also allegedly arrested last Thursday for sexually harassing a Post Office worker on Nash Street. The other neighbor claims to own seventeen houses on the street, including the park, but he is believed to actually live in East Haven. It would be helpful to have more active policing on this street until things settle down and people feel safe again. If police officers could physically walk up and down Nash Street 1-2x a day to see what is taking place on a daily basis maybe there is something that can be done. Neighbors are in fear.
Mill River Trail New Haven Connecticut - East RockTo add to the numerous similar issues posted by others, there is a large encampment under I-91 bridge along the Mill River. There are also smaller encampments along the Mill River just beyond the Willow St bridge heading up the river.
Speaks for itself, I don't need to reiterate the concerns made by others on the same type of topic. City needs to take action. -
Complete Streets Request AcknowledgedCanner St & Loomis Pl New Haven, Connecticut - Prospect HillCrosswalk urgently needed On Canner St &Loomis Place - Very very busy intersection which is near two schools and Celentano and Foote as well as the Divinity School. Please address asap.
Sidewalks and Curb damage Archived105-139 Pearl St New Haven, CT 06511, USA - East RockThere is no sidewalk here and SOM students obliviously walk down the middle of the street, diverting both automobiles and bicycles into one another's path on this two way street. Please New some common sense and install a sidewalk. The Lawn Club will cooperate, even if Cafe Romeo's landlord might not like the taking back of what they've claimed as parking spaces (unless the property line goes right to the street which I strongly doubt.)
Policing Issue ArchivedWillow Street Exit 6 New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
The homeless camp by the water in the woods off of Exit 6 between the off ramps from 91 N and 91 S is starting up again and it needs to be broken up ASAP! I can not comprehend how this is allowed to go on.
The other night my wife and I were coming off the exit and we saw a man carrying a bull rake, shovel and a Fed-Ex package walking towards the camp coming down Willow St. from the East Rock area. He opened the package, took whatever was inside, threw the box on the ground and kept walking towards the camp. I hate to jump to conclusions but it seems pretty clear that this individual stole the rake and shovel from someone's yard and stole the Fed-Ex package from someone's yard. I live in East Rock and had several packages stolen off my porch last summer. I'm not saying these individuals are responsible but they are clearly committing crime in the East Rock area and I am sick of it.
Last summer this camp was allowed to exist and grow into the late fall. The individuals who are living here litter the area with their garbage and regularly hold up traffic with their panhandling. Can somebody please stop looking the other way and do something about this?
Policing Issue Archived126 Livingston St New Haven, CT 06511, USA - East RockCar broken into on corner of Willow and Livingston. Nothing stolen out of car. Window smashed. Occurred between 11:00 PM and 7:30 AM.
Traffic Signal / Pedestrian Signal Archived47-75 Trumbull St New Haven Ct 06510 USA - Yale University CampusAlmost every day on my way to work from downtown to Yale's School of Management, I am nearly hit by a car. The northbound cars turning right from Whitney Avenue onto Trumbull Street do NOT realize that the pedestrian walk signal is on and that they must yield to pedestrians. When the pedestrian walk sign is on and I try to cross, the turning cars continue driving at me and drivers blow their horns and yell at me. Even more stressful than these antagonizing interactions is the knowledge that one day someone probably will be hit and killed/severely injured. Traffic signage MUST be improved to indicate that right-turning cars must yield to pedestrians, or the pedestrian walk light should be rewired to only turn on when the Whitney Avenue light is red. Perhaps clearer cross-walk lines should also be instituted. This intersection is heavily trafficked by employees and students every single day, so I exhort the City to make this a priority.
This Could Be... Acknowledged738-752 State St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - DowntownThis could be an inviting pedestrian link between new destinations in Nolo, September in Bangkok, and Boiling Soho—grounded establishments of Christopher Martins and D'Legna—and old staples in Goodfellas, L'Orcio, and Modern. St. Stanislaus is a beautiful church in the middle of them all, and Bradley Street Bike Co-op is a community hub. An art project for the walls of the underpass would liven up the area and bring the consistent foot traffic that these places need to thrive.