Fair Haven

Open Issues: 3 Closed Issues: 39 Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2016-06-08

neighbors, friends, colleagues, police, shelters.

Notified About

  • I-91 N New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Cedar Hill
  • Parks Request Archived
    307 Front St New Haven, CT, 06513, USA - Chatham Square
    Quinnipiac River Park has not been mowed properly in more than a month. Grass is two-three feet high in many places and over a foot tall everywhere else. The last time it was mowed, the mowers did not mow near the paths, around trees, or near the river walk way. This grass is now 2-3 feet high, making it difficult for children to play, for people to walk their dogs, to picnic, etc. Also, tall grass encourages ticks and fleas to flourish. Please have the park properly mown ASAP.
  • Fair Haven New Haven, CT, USA - Fair Haven
    Homeless setting up tents on Mill River Trail, including a dog a lot of trash and drugs
  • 29–49 Grafton St New Haven 06513, United States - Chatham Square
    Can the city finally trim back the shrubs from hiding illegal drug users sitting on the benches. Found needles on ground.
  • Parks Request Archived
    71 Front Street New Haven, Connecticut - Fair Haven

    I went to the area on Friday 10.27.2017 night. The Quinnipiac River Park has two sides for reference. A. Grand Ave. and B. and C. Ferry Bridge Side Boardwalk.

    A. Grand Ave: There are 36 poles numbered 1-36. Pole 31 is missing. ALL The poles in this area have new replaced heads. At 5.37 PM lights on.
    Working lights are less than non-working [and readable in dark]: 9,11,13,15,17,20,22,24,26,28,30,33 [lamp broken inside head],35,36. Note the lamps/poles numbers alternate between working and not working. Every other pole does not work. Except for the cluster #1-8 nearest Grand Ave. does not work.

    B. Ferry Bridge Boardwalk: There are 12 standing poles + one missing in the tree row. None of these are working. Many are damaged [tops missing]/broken/debris filled/etc. Most base access plates have been removed exposing the wires [perhaps inspecting power conditions]. The poles/heads poor finish and physical appearance, indicate these are original. According to one on site witness not working for some time; a dog walker -
    "maybe 5 years". I asked another older couple who said they lived in an brick condos nearby for 6 years and they have never seen these lights on.

    C. Ferry Bridge New Boardwalk: Recent site and boardwalk/railing and grading improvements were done next to Bridge. There are 4 new pole mountings, with in-ground elec./lighting boxes, not installed.

  • 88 Front St New Haven, CT, 06513, USA - Fair Haven
    Dark (navy blue or black) Ford Focus station wagon; CT License plate AM91835, peace sign bumper sticker; parking DAILY in the same spot at different times of the day. Most times for hours on end. Young male, dark hair, beard, tan skin, early twenties possibly; sits in car, does not get out; brings different people with him to sit in the car. Does not live in this particular complex. Incident on 03/21: female walking dog, the car's passenger opened the door, shouted a lewd remark towards the lady and dog, and continued to sit in the car for an additional hour. Same car returned this morning to the same spot (3/22) at 7:58AM with the driver sitting in the car by himself, and he was still sitting there until at least 10:43AM as reported by another resident of the building.
  • Parks Request Archived
    107-169 Front St New Haven, CT, 06513, USA - Fair Haven
    This request is for QUINNIPIAC RIVER PARK. Most of the trash bins there are overflowing, with little baggies of dog poo laying on the ground beside them. This is gross and a hygiene problem. PLEASE come and empty the bins!!!
  • Lost dog Archived
    Poplar St New Haven, CT - Fair Haven
    Much loved, male , French bull dog escaped from yard. Family devastated, Reward offered for safe return
  • Poplar Street New Haven, Connecticut - Fair Haven
    Gray and white French bulldog escaped from his yard. Family devastated. Please call number with any information
  • Barking dog Archived
    East Pearl And Grand Ave Area New Haven, Connecticut - Chatham Square
    From my bedroom window for the last two nights I can hear a dog barking and howling all night long. The noise is coming from the Grand Ave area between Atwater and Clinton Ave.
  • 141 Clinton Ave New Haven, CT, 06513, USA - Chatham Square
    Rear fence has been damaged since 2019, is a safty hazard to neighboring propertys pets & people due to nails & splintering, huge holes dogs can escape thru & security concern to neighboring homes. Several sections needing to be replaced.
  • 222 Dover St New Haven, CT, 06513, USA - Chatham Square
    1 Ford Pick up Blue, 1 Doge Pick up Red or wine color w gray, and 1 white Pup Up Camper, infected with mice and insects harmful to the health of the residents of the area.