Downtown Wooster Square Policing District - Lt. Mark O'Neill
This is the watch area for the First policing district Lt. Mark O'Neill
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Google is planning to build, and test ultra-high speed broadband networks in a small number of trial locations across the country. They will deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today with 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections. Google will offer service at a competitive price to at least 50,000, and potentially up to 500,000 people.
157 Church St New Haven, CT 06510, USA - Town_Green
This is a thread to discuss issues related to the ongoing problem of violence in some areas of New Haven and surrounding towns. Please vote here if you want to see this problem addressed and if you agree:
1. Every citizen has the right to freedom from fear: a safe neighborhood and a safe house.
2. No child living in New Haven or anywhere else nearby should have to hear gunshots every week in their neighborhood (I currently do!).
3. A friend recently said "it is easier to get a gun than a quart of milk in my neighborhood." This is obviously not an acceptable situation.
4. A comprehensive community strategy is needed to stop the violence. Elected representatives should be able to explain exactly what they are doing to support the community's strategy.
5. The constant outdoor gunfire at the police training range is not acceptable. People living in Newhallville and Beaver Hills hear constant gunfire from this range and it sends the wrong message.
Please post ideas for community organizing to stop the message, links to relevant pages, etc -- and send the message to everyone that enough is enough!
Related articles: -
MOTORCYCLES ArchivedNew Haven - DixwellLoud motorcyles, especially during Summer months, constantly disturb and harass citizens of New Haven by operating with illegal and potentially harmful exhaust systems. Why doesn't the NHPD or the Dept. Of Health do anything about this?
New York is working on legislation: -
Drivers Ignoring the Crosswalk Acknowledged468 College St New Haven, CT 06511 - DowntownDrivers going both ways on College never stop at the pedestrian crosswalk at the Wall St. intersection. Yale Police needs to crack down on this, since it's only a matter of time before a pedestrian gets seriously hurt here.
127 Church St New Haven, CT 06510, USA - Town_Green
This is what the street looks like at 9:30AM. Massive excess of road capacity which leads to speeding, combined with poor conditions for pedestrians and cyclists.
A buffered bike lane, which is a standard in NYC and Philadelphia now, would make the street safer for all road users by narrowing it and reducing speed.
This is a very popular bike route and with an actual lane, bike use would triple overnight (based on experiences of other cities that do this). This would free up more parking for local businesses to thrive and hire more staff.
Cops Constantly Illegally Parked ArchivedChapel And High Street - Town_GreenI have seen cops on a daily bases park illegally underneath the stop light, get out of their car, walk into starbucks, get a coffee and walk out to their car and leave. I am pretty sure that they are only allowed to break the law for reasonable reasons or if they are doing something positive like stopping a crime. I don’t think getting a coffee or going to News Haven applies to this situation. I would like it stopped, and for our cops to start obeying the same laws they enforce on us.
another mugging Archived59 Court St New Haven, CT 06511 - Wooster Square
I created a new issue. Each incident should be a new issue in my opinion. This helps demonstrate the seriousness.
Tonight, between 6 and 6:30 pm there was another mugging on Court
Street between Olive and Artizan Streets near the Friendship House
apartments. 2 men slammed a neighbor to the ground and took his
wallet and cell phone. Coincidentally, a coworker of the victim was
on his way home at the end of the incident and called the police.
Details are still coming in and I will let you know when I have a full
description of the attackers.Please, do not walk home after dark on Court Street on the north side
of the street. Walk with a friend, do whatever you can to stay safe.
Go on and comment and vote to have the muggings
mugging ArchivedCourt And Olive 06511 - Wooster SquareFrom the New Haven Independent. This all seems to continue.
At 8:15 p.m. on Thursday, four men mugged someone at the corner of Court and
Olive Streets. Two of the muggers had handguns. They took a cellphone and a
black wallet with $25.
someone needs to fix this asap. this continues to happen at the *same* location, on a nightly or regular basis. why can't we get some more attention to this matter. -
80 116 Church St New Haven, CT 06510, USA - Town_Green
more needs to be done to prevent this coffeeshop from becoming a hangout for the homeless. (i don't deny that more needs to be done FOR the homeless, but this one business should not shoulder that burden/suffer because business is driven away.)
every time i visit here, i hear disrespectful language yelled across the store, conversations about drugs including potential drug deals right in the store, and generally offensive conversations. it is very frustrating that this happens often in front of children and first-time visitors to new haven.
i see the same several faces every time who commit these acts. after one guy yelled "f you" loudly across the entire store, i turned and made a motion to calm down with my hand, because there was a 3 or 4 year old in line behind me. he responded with " bl*w me".
bars can ban certain customers who do not behave themselves. can starbucks begin to do the same?
1073 1123 Chapel St New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Downtown
This police cruiser pulled up and blocked half of the intersection at Chapel and High. Then the two cops went to starbucks to get their coffee.
I wish I could get away with parking like that.
Other - city responsibility Archived55-61 Audubon Street New Haven, CT 06510, USA - Town_GreenAbandon dog tied up behind ACES on Audubon Street. Part pit bull part boxer. Animal Control does not answer the phone and the police said to call animal Control. Mailbox of Animal Control officer filled so I called my Alderman to see if he could help. Went looking for police officer on Whitney, none to be found.
Teenagers out of control ArchivedWhalley Avenue George Street, Norton Street, Edgewood Avenue, Sherman Avenue - Everywhere in New Haven - DowntownThis problem is increasing and dispersing itself across New Haven. I went to KFC a couple of days ago and noticed some teenagers loitering in the the restaurant. The workers seemed upset and noticed that not only were the teenagers loitering, but were also insulting customers, being obnoxious and basically driving customers away. When I left the restaurant, I noticed that the problem was not secluded to the restaurant but its a problem everywhere. These teens are standing by corners at late hours and blatantly loitering everywhere. Just recently I watched as a youth was arrested for standing in the middle of the street, throwing empty bottles at cars driving pass. It's really getting out of hand and I'm tired of not wanting to take my children anywhere because of it. It's not fair. I pay my taxes, I work, I take of my children and I'm not depending on anyone but myself.
Even when the police stops and tells them to disperse, they simply move to another corner. I've watched as they laugh at police. Most of them have no respect or decency. The cornerstore near my home had to close because of the same reason, the endless loitering and chaos. Also, the shop was robbed repeated by "boosters". I think there should be a curfew for these teens. It's unfortunate but I think that's what it comes down to. For those who are trying to better themselves, I think if there's a curfew, they should have documents from their jobs or schools to prove why they are walking home after 7pm, or something like that. I can't even let my son ride his bike to his friend's house, which is only a block away because my neighbor's ten year old son was robbed by a group of teenagers roaming the street. They took his bike and the milk he went to the store to purchase for his mother. It's not right and it needs to end.
I think arresting them is not enough, people say blame the parents, then maybe the police should start giving the parents tickets too to send the point home.