Washington Park

Open Issues: 5 Closed Issues: 7 Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2016-08-05

Washington Park Neighborhood Association

Notified About

  • Wall St. Meriden, Connecticut - Meriden
    Lots of speeding and road noise from Wall St. Sounds like dirt bikes. Most commonly heard around 8-10 PM in the evening.
  • 82 Sunset Ave. Meriden, Connecticut - Meriden
    A cable wire fell 5 weeks ago into our driveway and road. Not knowing if it was a live wire, I called Eversource. They came out later that night to temporarily put it on the side of the house and get it out of the street, but it is still hanging low and not properly fixed. Frontier needs to fix it. Have called Frontier half a dozen times and they still haven't come out. How do I finally get this fixed?!
  • Gravel Street Meriden, Connecticut - Meriden

    Lucky us ... school started this week causing the speeding issue to increase. Thanks to a speeding school bus, my husband was almost killed yesterday afternoon pulling into our driveway. I guess the bus driver (who was speeding and tailgating) did not pay attention to the brake lights or the turn signal on my husband's vehicle. The bus driver had to slam on the brakes and barely missed rear-ending the vehicle. To make matters worse, after my husband turned into our driveway, the bus driver "flipped him off" and "floored" the gas and continued to speed down the road heading towards Nathan Hale.

    How many times do not only myself but other residents complain about the speeding issue only to fall upon deaf ears? If either myself or my husband gets injured or killed pulling into our driveway, the blood will be on the City's hands.

    Please, please, please do something about this issue!

  • Broad Street/Atkins Meriden, CT - Meriden
    The light on Broad St. to turn left onto Atkins St. has a short turn signal but is useless because it's one lane. If there are cars infront of you going straight you have to wait for them to move to turn & by that time the turn signal is gone. It would be helpful to have a turning lane there, especially since the street leads to a school.
  • Trash Archived
    286 - 500 Gravel Street Meriden Connecticut - Meriden
    Trash and debris along the curb line, some blocking/covering storm drains and blowing around the entire neighborhood. Some of the trash must be from receptacles belonging to Tony's Trucking - recyclables.
  • graffiti Archived
    I-691 E Meriden 06450, United States - Meriden
    Graffiti on overpass on 691 east. Looks like crap.
  • Trash Dumped Archived
    Sunbright Drive North And Gravel Street Meriden, Connecticut - Meriden
    Someone threw a bag of trash onto the road at the intersection of Sunbright Drive North and Gravel Street.
  • 334 Liberty St Meriden, CT, 06450, USA - Meriden
    Trash (mostly cigarette butts, plastic bottles, wrappers and containers) cover the parking spaces, sidewalks, store front and street. Employees are seen throwing cigarettes directly onto the ground and I have spoken with one of them. The employee showed no regard for the cleanliness of the neighborhood and suggested the street sweeper would pick up the trash in the street and that the rest of the garbage is from customers. The employee made it clear that the owner would not put effort into cleaning up the property.
    Since the property is poorly maintained, the houses in the neighborhood are forced to pick up their trash as it blows into their yards. It would be nice to see a small local store have more pride in the community that they hope to do business with.
    The issues listed above are a clear violation of the City of Meriden Code General Legislation Chapter 176-4 "Clean Community Provisions"
  • Gravel Street Meriden, Connecticut - Meriden
    Overgrown weeds (it was supposed to be grass, but the State of Connecticut's choice of contractor planted junk!) and trash under and around the 691 bridge.
  • Speeding Archived
    Gravel Street Meriden, Connecticut - Meriden
    The problem of speeding cars, motorcycles, dirt bikes, quads, scooters, etc. has escalated (take a look at the burn out marks left on the road!). The residents of Gravel Street would appreciate if the MPD would set up radar; at this point, seeing a police officer in our area would be great!
  • Broad St & Wall St Meriden, CT, 06450, USA - Meriden
    Dear City of Meriden,

    Please have someone trim the low hanging branches that restrict view and are nearly sticking out in the road on the corner of Broad/Wall and Parker Ave North. North bound cars turning onto Wall St. cannot see cars pulling out of Parker Ave. North.
  • 126 Baldwin Ave Meriden CT 06450, United States - Meriden
    Huge Pothole