Paul Moore
Notified About
Traffic Sign or Signal Issue Archived28.049489 -82.780316, dunedin / pinellas, Florida - Dunedin
This traffic signal does not seem to be timed properly. It creates a very dangerous situation to cars traveling east on Curlew who are about to make a right turn onto Alt 19 and cars traveling West on Curlew about to make a left turn onto Alt 19 as well as pedestrians crossing Alt 19 on the south cross walk.
This can be easily seen every morning between 7-8am.
1. Walk light is activated on the south cross walk = East bound traffic has a "no right turn" light come on and this is great. But West bound traffic does not appear to have any light and continues to make a left hand turn.... I have seen multiple close calls where pedestrians and bicyclists almost got run over.2. East bound traffic gets a green, right hand turn arrow but the west bound traffic continues to make a left hand turn and refuses to yield. This becomes dangerous as they are completely oblivious to the fact that not only do they normally have to yield but also to the fact that East bound traffic has a green turn arrow. As they follow each other -- it appears they are trying to beat the yellow light. This is a tough situation to resolve but it does create a dangerous situation as East bound traffic attempts to turn right while West bound traffic fails to yield especially with pedestrians standing on the sidewalks who just crossed the street or waiting for the next WALK light.
I bring this to your attention in hopes that something can be done about this intersection. Ether change the order/timing of the lights or more strict enforcement.
thank you for your attention to this safety matter.
Traffic Signal Issue AcknowledgedBelcher Rd Dunedin 34683, United States - DunedinEvery SINGLE DAY I HAVE TO WAIT 20 minutes for this stupid light bc you guys can’t allow more time for eastbound traffic leaving the beach. There are locals too that have to go to work. Now it’s even worse bc of weather and spring break. I am begging you to please fix this problem that’s been going on now for years. GET IT TOGETHER!!!!
Traffic Sign or Signal Issue ArchivedCurlew Rd Dunedin, FL 34698, USA - DunedinI don't know who is in charge of timing the lights on Curlew, but they must truly hate anyone who uses this road lol. There is four times as much traffic on Curlew than Belcher and it's also a major road. The green light for Belcher is twice as long, and also goes green sometimes two times in a row. This is the main road to the beach; the ONLY road to the beach. The locals have to add an additional 30 minutes to their drive time BC the timing sucks and it's usually bumper to bumper all the way from CR-1 moving east to Belcher on Curlew. Please do us a solid and fix the timing on the light. Thanks in advance for addressing my concern. -Lexi
Traffic Signal Issue AcknowledgedCurlew And Belcher Roads Palm Harbor, Florida - DunedinThe left hand turn signal was changed to the beginning of the cycle and is backing up traffic, when the signal was at the end of the cycle traffic moved smoothly. Please reset the signal back to the way it was, this new way is not working.
Road Issue Archived3260 Belcher Road Dunedin, Florida - DunedinRecent storm damage blew down fencing along the west side of Belcher Road where Curlew Creek crosses Belcher Road. This then revealed that there is a steep bank immediately behind this fence that terminates into Curlew Creek. This section of Belcher Road needs a guard rail to prevent a car from falling down into this creek bottom.
Pinellas Trail Archived3934-4198 Palm Harbor Boulevard Dunedin, Florida - DunedinA dangerous situation exists due to the closing of the bridge over alt 19 and Orange St. Pedestrians / bicyclists and motorists are at risk. Reopening the bridge could be safer. If the bridge is too dangerous to walk/ ride on then it may be too dangerous to drive under.
Environmental Archived2045 Hunters Glen Dr. Dunedin, Florida - Dunedinretention pond seems to be stagnating, causing algae build up, mosquitos, and fowl smell. there is a fence built through the middle of the pond, approximately 6 to 7 feet tall, restricting fish population, and wildlife, as well as water circulation. mangroves and shrubbery are overgrown, with trash and lawn clippings dumped.
Traffic Sign Issue ArchivedFisher Rd Dunedin FL 34698, United States - DunedinThis intersection only allows right turn onto Curlew Being unable to turn left at fisher forces local residents to have to detour through a residential area at Lake Dr then through Oak Street Then get onto Curlew only to make a U-turn which is more dangerous than making a left turn You need more clearance to do this than making safe left turn
Also there should be a left turn access off curlew heading west off I19 to turn into Joann's/ Home Depot as people are forced again to make a U-turn which is dangerous for those trying to get into left lane at Fisher road area to access I 19 North I feel the median should be removed to allow left turns at Joann's
There are signs posted at The north Pinellas Surgery Center requesting no through traffic so it obviously is a problem when people cannot turn in to mall or safely make a u-turn
Thanks -
Code Enforcement Archived1604-1608 Amberlea Dr N Dunedin, FL 34698, USA - DunedinIllegally parked car in ROW. blocks fire issue
Mosquito Control Archived1202 Fairway Dr Dunedin, FL 34698, USA - DunedinMosquitoes are ramping up pretty bad. Vacant house next door, both neighbors have bromeliads.
County Parks Archived61 Causeway Boulevard Dunedin, Florida - Dunedinthe cross walks on the Pinellas Trail need to be re painted along the trail from the first small bridge to the last entrance to the Dunedin Causeway beach area , they have disappeared due to the sand being ground into them as vehicles leave the beach area.
Traffic Sign or Signal Issue ArchivedFred Marquis Pinellas Trail Dunedin, Florida - DunedinI don't know where else to bring this up- the intersection of the Pinellas Trail at Curlew and Bayshore is VERY unsafe. I am a frequent user, and today (and many times previously) I had a close call while biking thru the intersection when a car ran the red light. Additionally, there is no time when pedestrians and bikers on the trail are safe from all directions- in other words, even though there's a 'no right turn' signal, they aren't simultaneous on all sides. For example, if one is biking west on the trail to the causeway, no right turn is allowed from Causeway onto southbound Bayshore, but right turns are allowed from northbound Bayshore onto Curlew, and left turns are permitted from westbound Curlew onto Bayshore, both crossing the trail crosswalk and endangering trail users. It seems a safe solution might be for the whole intersection to be closed to all traffic once per cycle to let pedestrians cross in any direction- especially at high-traffic hours. The problems are compounded by drivers routinely running the red lights- a police problem to be sure, but it does make the intersection even more dangerous. Please call me if I can be of help.
Rick Brant