
Solicitações em aberto: 7 Questões Encerradas: 0 Solicitações Reconhecidas: 0
Watching issues created after: 2010-03-28


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  • 487 Broadway New York, NY - Soho
    Every single day there is chaos on Broome St. as traffic from the closed Hudson St. Holland Tunnel entry is diverted. The din of the honking alone makes life difficult for the hundreds of people who live and work here. One traffic cop at the intersection of Broadway would go a long way towards fixing this problem.
  • 423 Broome Street Manhattan, New York, NY - Soho
    For the whole two miles east from the Holland Tunnel all the way past Chrystie Street, traffic is three cars wide and the drivers block each grid throughout weekends, and THEY HONK CONTINUOUSLY.
    Rarely traffic cops are assigned to direct the flow, though cops are sometimes observing cell phone use of drivers, they usually stay in the shade in a group of 4, or inside their cars parked on the sidestreet. The honking noise is horrible. There are DOT signs posted that there is a '$350 FINE FOR HONKING' , at Broadway and Broome, and two 'NO HONKING SIGNS" up Lafayette and Prince near the Fire Department, and why is a 'NO HONKING $350 FINE' sign posted on Thompson Street (West of West Broadway) a one-lane North-South street?! WHY don't they enforce the no honking and get those good fines?
  • Broome Street NYC, NY - Soho
    Do you see the traffis? 4 lanes like an interstate highway, but it is outside my house, and they are stopped, so they HONK constantly, from 11 am Friday through the evening, then again on Saturday, and on Sunday, so they can get across Manhattan 1 mile away to the Holland tunnel. ONe mile away, and HERE they honk. This is not to warn of danger, it is just frustration at waiting. Why don't the police enforce the $350 fine for honking that is posted on Broadway?
  • 413 Broome St Manhattan, New York, NY - Little Italy
    These drivers going to the Holland tunnel are blocking the south bound traffic, and do you think they all honk as long as they can't bear to wait? yes, they all honk for E x t e n d e d periods of time. There is a posted sign one block away warning $350 fine for honking. but they do no tcare, no police around even to give a ticket for blocking the grid! It is 6 pm and this is normal for Soho residents. It is excruciatingly LOUD.
  • Varick Street New York, NY - US Congressional District NY8
    Some of the congestion going south to the Holland Tunnel on Varick Street could be alleviated if NO PARKING rules were put into effect between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on weekdays.
  • 114 Varick St New York, NY 10013, USA - Soho
    Cars are merging into the tunnel entrance from the wrong lanes. A traffic officer is needed to keep the traffic moving thru the tunnel.
  • Holl Open
    26 Gates Ave Brooklyn, NY 11238, USA - Fort Greene