Open Issues: 58
Closed Issues: 47
Acknowledged Issues: 35
Watching issues created after: 2016-12-19
Steven H Berl
Notified About
Streets - Potholes/Depression Acknowledged1 Park Blvd Oakland CA 94611, United States - PiedmontExtensive stretches of Park Blvd east and west with potholes and deteriorating top asphalt layer Rough ride, aversive driving to avoid deep ones
Streets - Street Deterioration Acknowledged3 Park Blvd Oakland CA 94611, United States - PiedmontMultiple areas of pavement falling apart creating potholes up and down Park between 13 and Estates Getting worse by the week No patches done in months
Traffic Safety (non-emergency) Acknowledged766 Kingston Ave Oakland 94611, United States - PiedmontTurning onto Kingston from Monte Cresta is very dangerous. Cars fly down Kingston and there is poor visibility when turning. I have witnessed and been a part of many near accidents. A stop sign is desperately needed at this intersection.
Traffic Safety (non-emergency) Acknowledged1 Park Blvd Oakland CA 94611, United States - PiedmontRequest for a two way protected bike lane on Park adjacent to the sidewalk on the south part of the street, replacing the southern of the 4 traffic lanes. This will improve safety and reduce car trips on this street. It will also save the city a lot of money in maintenance costs. Install it using simple cheap barriers and upgrade it over time.
Streets - Potholes/Depression Acknowledged5222 Park Blvd Oakland, California, 94611 - PiedmontThe pottholes on Park are a tragedy waiting to happen. Cars weave in and out of oncoming traffic to avoid them. Cars regularly pull over to deal with flat tires. There are two schools nearby with kids walking around. SF has made huge progress on its pottholes; why can't we?
Dumping Open5201 Park Blvd Oakland, CA, 94611, USA - PiedmontOn Park Blvd between Corpus Christi and Zion Lutheran, debris has been dumped down the Sausal Creek Slope. Volunteers for Friends of Sausal Creek have put some of that debris by the roadside so officials could identify where it has been dumped. Roadside is a chair, garbage, and a tire. Down the slope, just below, are various household items and garbage.
Streets - Street Deterioration ArchivedPark Blvd Oakland, California, 94611 - PiedmontI am a cyclist and frequently ride on Park Blvd. the street is in terrible shape for cyclists. In particular, the section between Mountain and St. James going west bound is chock full of dangers: potholes, uneven pavement, depressions, bumps. Given the speed of traffic and the downhill nature, this creates major perils for cyclists.
Streets - Potholes/Depression Acknowledged5200 Park Blvd Oakland, California, 94611 - PiedmontThe stretch of Park Blvd between Monterey and Estates has at least 20 significant, deep, potholes along both sides of the road. There are far too many potholes to list individually. A crew just needs to spend some time on the street and address them all. There are complaints about this section of Park going back to at least 2019. It is unfathomable to me that four years later this has not been addressed. Please prioritize as this is very dangerous to cars and bikes as people swerve around trying to avoid.
Graffiti - OTHER Archived5076–5152 Park Blvd Oakland CA 94611, United States - PiedmontGraffiti on Park Blvd Oakland near Corpus Christi church. Same side of the road .
Poorly patched road Open5143-5245 Park Blvd Oakland, CA 94611, USA - PiedmontComing down park there is a horribly patched section of road that winds up being the most dangerous part of my morning bicycle commute. I have to go over this 1-2" ridge at high speed as there is no bicycle infrastructure on park and I have to keep with the flow of aggressive car traffic going by me at >35-45mph
360 Linda Ave Piedmont, CA 94611, USA - Piedmontboth seats on the see-saw have screws that are sticking out. it needs a special screwdriver to fix.
illegal Dumping Open331 St James Dr Piedmont 94611, United States - GlenviewA refrigerator was dumped on the sidewalk