Branford Public Works

Problèmes Ouverts: 101 Problèmes Clos: 159 Problèmes Pris en compte: 1
Watching issues created after: 2010-05-04

The Public Works Department provides the Town with professional and technical services which are necessary to operate and service the community. The Department administers all programs related to the transportation infra-structure and associated public open spaces. Over one hundred miles of roadway are maintained as well as all associated drainage facilities and right of way improvements. The Department also manages the Town’s sidewalk replacement program as well as tree maintenance and plan

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  • North Main And West Main Branford Ct - Branford
    hundreds of families are kept up all night when the Amtrak locomotives blow their extremely loud horns between 11 30 pm and 5 am
  • 723-769 Connecticut 146 Branford, CT 06405, USA - Branford Center
    The intersection of Cedar St. and Main St. needs a stop sign or traffic light. Traffic gets very backed up as people wait to turn left from Cedar to Main. I've seen many near-accidents as people try to zoom through in the brief pauses between cars.
  • Maple St. @ Train Station Lot - Branford Center
    When leaving the train station, there is no crosswalk or light to cross the street. This forces anyone walking to the train station to run through traffic.
  • Godsell Point Rd Branford Ct - Branford Center

    The State Boat Launch in Branford,Ct This boat launch needs repairs before someone gets hurt or killed. The road that leads down to the launch has pot holes as well as the parking lot. The pier that is there is falling apart. The ramp that leads into the water has a deep dropoff (hole)Something has to be done ASAP


  • 1-61 Silver Street Branford, CT - Branford Center
    Help! My due date was yesterday and I can't get anyone to plow our road! I'm afraid my minor and inconsistent contractions are going to turn more serious before too long. At this point I'm going to have to call 911 if I progress before the road gets plowed. Help!
  • Branford Point - Harbor Street Branford, ct - Branford Center

    Apparently there is an issue with petty people in the Parks Department who don't want to do their job of emptyiong the trash cans at Branford Point, so the Town Fathers decided to take them out!


    Put back the trash cans at Branford Point and do your job and empty them!

  • 38-40 Indian Neck Avenue Branford, Connecticut - Branford

    I appreciate our garbage truck guys and value how hard they work in all sorts of weather; but there must be technology available that can quiet brakes on the trucks to keep them from screaming into the night every 80-feet.

    The constant noise is ruinous for the worker's hearing, and my SLEEP!!

  • Cherry Hill Road Branford, Connecticut - Branford

    So it's pretty disgusting and definitely childish, but either it's an orgy or the same people (braniacs that they are) keep coming back on Cherry Hill Road and when they're done having sex they hurl their rubbers out the window unceremoniously. There's like eight used rubbers by the stream.

    What to do? Some of us will be doing late night runs in our vehicles with bright flashlights and video cameras in hand to see if we can catch them in the act. Why not just get a job and get a hotel room like normal people?

    We'll be watching for you from now on! That's for sure.

  • Brushy Plains Rd branford, CT - Branford
    speeding on brushy plains rd. between hemlock and austin ryer lane. veteran's memorial park and mtm school in area. kids and parents have to play chicken just to cross the street from condo complex to park..need speed bumps, stop signs, crosswalks
  • Rock Pasture Rd Branford Center, CT - Branford Center
    There is a major coyote problem coming from the top of Rock Pasture Rd. We have seen at least 3 of them in our back yard. They do not scare off at all, no matter what we do. Lots of children dogs, cats, etc. In the area. Please help.
  • Main St/Indian Neck Branford, CT - Branford

    Spring is here! And we all want to enjoy it. And we all want to be able to sleep at night. Last night I listened to no less then ten motorcycles (not all together) ripping through the streets past 10 pm into midnight.

    Maybe the police could start enforcing the noise ordinance?

  • Town Hall Branford, Connecticut - Branford Center
    New Haven is using SeeClickFix as their primary means of communication with residents. It seems to be having a dramatic effect in improving the City. We would like Branford to do the same. Vote to fix this if you agree!