Durham/Middlefield Public Works
Open Issues: 7
Closed Issues: 9
Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2010-05-04
Notified About
Royal Oak Drive - DurhamThere is no street light at the intersection of Royal Oak Drive and Route 17 in Durham. This area is very dark at night and many accidents have occurred in this area. Many motorists speed on this particular road making turning on to this road very dangerous. Please consider this report, it is a long time coming!
stop signs ignored Open187 211 Maiden Ln Durham, CT - Durhamcannot pull out of wheeler hill dr safely bcuz stop signs ignored BOTH ways constantly.
Royal Oak Drive - DurhamA street light is needed at the intersection of Royal Oak Drive and Route 17. This is a very dark area and many accidents have occurred in this vicinity. The road is not very wide in this area and many people have rear ended or nearly rear ended being when they turn onto our Street. A light at night would make this area much more visible to motorists and would eliminate problems.
speeding Open38 Middlefield Rd - DurhamSpeeding along this stretch especially towards Middlefield.Day or night .Even school bus drivers SPEED.Have offered my driveway for the police to combat this problem.Nothing has ever been done. 20 years only seen 2 cars pulled over. Wouldn`t complain but the house was hit by a truck in 2006.When I was home.I have almost been killed twice pulling left into my driveway .Because the car that was 2 behind me passed in a no passing zone. I also was almost hit head on because a truck passed a car at Deans Auto and was on my side as I left my driveway.
Drug Activity/Blighted Property Archived19 Fowler Avenue - DurhamVehicles in and out day and night. Property is run down.
HUGE pothole Archived2-52 Maple Avenue Durham, Connecticut - DurhamThere is a HUGE pothole at the junction of Maple Avenue and Main Street (Route 17 ) in Durham. It's on the right corner at the end of the road just before turning right onto Main Street.
Route 17 Durham, Connecticut - DurhamThe Department of Transportation or whoever is in charge of this state road really needs to do something to fix it and fast. It's like driving on railroad tracks. There's even one part down the hill just past the town green where the road is so raised that it's like running over a speed bump. Even going under the speed limit will do some damage to a car or suspension.
No Tennis ArchivedMain St Durham, Ct - DurhamWhat happen to tennis. There is no report. The scores have been called or emailed Wed. & Thurs. If you are not going to print the info, why call in. There are other towns that read the Press. Please cover more that Middletown High and Xavier. Those school are terrific, but so is CRHS,
repaving needed OpenTuttle Road New Haven, CT - DurhamPlease repave this road. It's given me flats practically every other time I've been on it.