Billerica Department of Public Works - Potholes
Open Issues: 4
Closed Issues: 106
Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2017-02-22
The men and women in the Billerica Department of Public Works are proud to deliver many services that help maintain the high quality of life in our town, including:
Repairing, maintaining, plowing, and sweeping of streets and sidewalks in order to ensure that all public rights-of-way are safe and accessible at all times
Managing the Town's municipal water program, which includes the Water Treatment Plant and water distribution system
Managing the Town's municipal wastewater program, whi
Notified About
Non Emergency Traffic Concerns ArchivedMill Road Chelmsford, Massachusetts - ChelmsfordNeed more speed limits signs that are visible. People do not do 30 on MILL ROAD. Becoming a safety hazard for walkers, people who ride their bikes, joggers, and residents of the road just trying to pull out or in of their driveways. A NO passing sign would be good also. Seems to be happening more.
Hazardous at 276 Mill Road with construction workers parking on the road. -
Traffic Signals/Signs Archived323 Massachusetts 129 Chelmsford, Massachusetts - Chelmsfordtraffic signal coming FROM Mill Road onto 129 going towards the center of Chelmsford is STILL faulty. People often need to go when its red, which is VERY DANGEROUS. Not ALL the time, but it still needs to be fixed!
Traffic Signals/Signs ArchivedMill Road Chelmsford, Massachusetts - ChelmsfordNeed more speed limit signs on MILL ROAD. Clearly the ones on it drivers are not reading. What is the speed limit on Mill Road? About 50? Seems what everyone drives about.
Health Code Violations ArchivedWildes Rd.@ Boston Rd. Chelmsford, Massachusetts - ChelmsfordOnce again someone is dumping Grease? Sludge? on the side of Wildes Rd. were it meets Boston Rd. This would be to the right of 271 Boston Rd. Walk your shoes in it and you will know what I am reporting.
Traffic Signals/Signs ArchivedMill Road Chelmsford, Massachusetts - ChelmsfordNOT ENOUGH SPEED LIMIT SIGNS ON MILL ROAD. I found one at the end of Mill on telephone pole in front of car repair shop,
2 20 speed limit signs only when school in session. 2 25 signs only it seems when comes down turnpike or turns on turnpike. NO SIGNS AT THE END NEAR 129, the companies or the NEW LARGE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. Mill Road needs a speed limit sign at least when you enter from 129. Most people do like 40-50 on the road including town employees. -
Non Emergency Traffic Concerns ArchivedMill Road Chelmsford, Massachusetts - ChelmsfordMILL ROAD NEEDS MORE SPEED LIMIT SIGNS. OR PERHAPS MORE SPEED TRAPS.
One speed limit sign is visible at the end of MILL from RTE 4 attached to a telephone pole. SPEED LIMIT SIGN IS NOT VISIBLE AT 276 MILL ROAD hidden behind a tree branch. The speed that people travel on MILL ROAD is way over 30. -
Sewer Complaint or Claim Archived1-99 Jennafer Ln Chelmsford, MA 01824, USA - ChelmsfordWater is leaking from under a sewer manhole cover and streaming across Brick Kiln Rd
Fence Review Archived200-298 Turnpike Road Chelmsford, Massachusetts - ChelmsfordGuard rail is broken and needs to be replaced.
At the corner of Turnpike Road and Mill Road. -
Drainage Archived12 Biltmore Avenue Chelmsford, Massachusetts - ChelmsfordIn front of my property there's no drainage. Rainwater collects on the street on the left side. A new pot hole developed from a patch job last year. There's also a groove developing in front my property (the whole street) from the garbage truck driving on the edge of the street. The whole street needs a make over.
Non Emergency Traffic Concerns Archived330 Billerica Road Chelmsford, Massachusetts - ChelmsfordThe lights at the intersection of 129 and Mill Rd don't seem to be changing via sensor any longer. On nights and weekends it is taking 3-4 minutes to get a green light in order to turn left onto Mill Rd. There used to be a sensor that worked great but that no longer seems to be the case. Also, would it be possible to make this a blinking light, as well as all the lights on 129 heading North, on the weekends? There is virtually no traffic on 129 yet there are 4-5 sets of lights to sit through. Seems silly.
Drainage Archived1 Julio St 01824 - ChelmsfordThere is a manhole and catch basin in front of 1 Julio Street, and both are sinking terribly. It's dangerous for walking or driving. Please take a look and repair. Thank you!
Traffic Signals/Signs Archived293 Mill Road Chelmsford, Massachusetts - ChelmsfordPlease address safety concerns, A painted crosswalk is needed here @ Mill Rd and Billerica Rd, I have almost been hit numerous times trying to cross in a eastbound direction. Drivers frequently doing a rolling right on red and not stopping and not looking both ways. It would be nice to have a Walk signal as well but a painted cross walk would significantly improve pedestrian safety here.