Borough of West Grove
Open Issues: 7
Closed Issues: 9
Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2010-05-26
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Left turn arrow Archived203 Pennsylvania 841 West Grove, PA 19390, USA - West GroveNeed a left turn arrow at the intersection of Rte 841 and Evergreen Street.
Horrible RR Crossing Archived701-711 S Guernsey Rd West Grove, PA 19390, USA - West GroveThe railroad crossing on Guernsey Rd just south of Evergreen St. is horribly worn with huge ruts at the crossing. Cars often swerve across the road to take the crossing at a diagonal so as not to bottom out their cars.
Terribly bumpy road Archived300-398 Prospect Ave West Grove, PA 19390, USA - West GroveProspect Ave. From Evergreen to State is extremely bumpy and jarring. Now there are 2 large squares of pavement cut out, I'm lucky to not lose a tire every time I drive over them. Street is in dire need of repaving!!
South Guernsey Rd. ArchivedS Guernsey Rd West Grove, PA 19390, USA - West GroveFrom W.Evergreen St. to S.Hills Dr. Major road damage from heavy truck traffic. Shoulders are almost nonexistent from storm damage. This road is a big thoughrfare for school buses.
Potholes Open207 S Guernsey Rd West Grove, PA - West GroveThis road is a disgrace between Evergreen and State.
242 W Evergreen St West Grove, PA 19390, USA - West GroveThe speed limit is 35 mph and rarely obeyed. Many children including my own live along Evergreen St. with several bus stops. The sidewalks can't be navigated with a stroller much less if a wheelchair bound person needed to. Close to State Farm a wheelchair cannot pass between the speed limit sign in the middle of the walk and a telephone pole. I can barely get a stroller through. We need more street parking towards Guernsey Road as well.
Evergreen & Prospect Aves - West GroveThe light to let traffic from Pyle's Alley onto Evergreen used be triggered by a waiting car. Now the light cycles to give the Alley a green light even though few cars ever come out there. Please turn the traffic sensor back on.
left turning light Archived112 Woodland Ave West Grove, PA 19390, USA - West Grovewe need a turning light at the intersection of evergreen st. and prospect ave.
713-717 S Guernsey Rd West Grove, PA 19390, USA - West Grovearea between railroad tracks and State Road is rough and part of it was dug up on west side and a poor patch put down. The road should be resurfaced.
233 E Evergreen St West Grove, PA 19390, USA - West GroveWe need a flashing red light here so that ALL traffic must stop and yeild, if you're taking 841 south and need to make a left turn onto Old Baltimore Pike you will get stuck waiting for an oppurtunity for several minutes at times.
West Harmony Rd West grove, PA - West GroveOne month ago the borough came to my door with c/o "to many people living in the my house." There is 5 of us in a 4 bdrm home. A week after that the borough taped a handout to our door with laws? No idea why. The following week my neighbor said my dog was barking for more then 15 min. the police came and fined me 400.00. When the police arrived my dog was sitting in my house. I had been home and didn't hear the dog bark. Yet last night, there was a party with music that could be heard within a 1/4 of a mile from the party and NOT one complaint and the police NEVER showed up. I not only went to the party but went home and sat on my porch. I wonder what the borough is going to say when I contact them tomorrow.