Open Issues: 9
Closed Issues: 10,508
Acknowledged Issues: 92
Watching issues created after: 2017-04-18
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Animal Control Archived14163 Norbourne Redford Mi 48239 - RedfordThe am at the address of 14163 Norbourne st in redford mi has a dog that he leaves outside to bark constantly all day and night. I️ am an elderly lady who can't enjoy my yard because of the barking. I️ can't walk down the street. I️ can't sleep or anything because it barks all the time and has been for months.
Property Maintenance Archived11473 Lucerne Redford 48239, United States - RedfordThe property at this address has been abandoned for months, in desolate condition for decades, and now that the owner is deceased, I have waited months to see if the issue would be addressed and it has not. This is an issue over 20 years long.
TREE TRIMMING REQUEST Archived9146 Garfield Redford Charter Twp, MI 48239, USA - Redfordovergrowth from our tree and neighbors covering street light
Other Archived15930 Ryland St Redford MI 48239, United States - RedfordFellow has been spoken to in past by township inspector but refuses to comply He temporarily moved rocks about 6" inches or so and most recently added as pictured above The tree/bush is but another tactic, as it grows the roots will wreak havoc too w
Illegal Dumping / Illegal Dump Sites Archived27217 W 7 Mile Rd Redford Charter Township, Michigan - RedfordDumpster is constantly overflowing, waste food dumped everywhere, rats!
Animal Control Archived11378 Centralia Redford Charter Township Michigan - RedfordThis RENTAL house leaves their Great Dane outside for hours on the weekends and in the evenings and it barks constantly. The neighbors have approached them on several occasions and asked that they not leave the dog outside to bark, to no avail. Please help!
Barking dog Archived9070 Columbia Redford Charter Township, Michigan - RedfordThese are new neighbors and they have a large boxer dog. They left the dog out all day Saturday in the rain with no shelter. They leave the dog out constantly and later in the evening it constantly barks.
High Grass / Vegetation Archived10030 Grayfield Redford, MI, 48239, USA - RedfordGrass and weeds in the yard are at least 12 inches high. The grass has not been cut at all this year.