
Open Issues: 43 Closed Issues: 2,205 Acknowledged Issues: 208
Watching issues created after: 2017-04-24

Notified About

  • Concrete Issue Acknowledged
    26 W 11400 S Sandy UT 84070, United States - Sandy
    Awful buckling in the concretr at the intersection Please fix this ASAPo
  • Concrete Issue Acknowledged
    9001–9099 S 225 W Sandy UT 84070, United States - Sandy
    On I-15 south bound before 9000 south exit Second lane seems to be buckling But could also be chip in surface for concert
  • Pot Hole Acknowledged
    I-15 N Sandy UT 84070, United States - Sandy

    In the HOV lane shortly before the exit sign that's on the freeway.
    Pothole has gotten larger and is now a major hazard.

    It's in the same spot as ticket #15667377

  • Pot Hole Archived
    154 W 11400 S Sandy, UT 84070, USA - Sandy
    NB Freeway on ramp cracking with pothole, SD has orange cover around grate.
  • Pothole Archived
    I-15 S Sandy, UT, 84070, USA - Sandy
    There is a pothole on the driver side of the on-ramp lane while it is still a solid line to enter the freeway. I saw a Dodge Charger with low profile tires pulled over shortly after the pothole with two flat driver side tires.
  • Concrete Issue Acknowledged
    42 W 11400 S Sandy UT 84070, United States - Sandy
    There is an extreme vertical (heave) separation directly in the middle of the bike lane This is extremely dangerous for cyclists A potential fall here, similar to crossing train tracks in parallel could be fatal here due to the speed of traffic, and being run over by a vehicle
  • W 11400 S & S State St Sandy, UT, 84070, USA - Sandy
    This comment is regarding the State Street and 11400 S intersection. Because I-15 NB is so crowded most rush hour weekday mornings, I end up taking State Street north most mornings from Draper to Sandy. Frequently I and many others run into the problem of traffic going northbound on State Street starting to back up badly at the 11400 S intersection. See the attachment for one morning, which shows traffic backing on State Street from 11400 S all the way down to 11800 S by Lone Peak Hospital. That's a long way for traffic to clog up to, and it takes forever to get through with the light cycles set up at the State Street and 11400 S intersection. (Side note: The left-turn lane onto 11400 S isn't long enough, which is another source of backing things up.) I often decide to turn right at 11800 S to go through little neighborhood side streets instead to route around the problem. Anyway, in the attachment you can see that only northbound State Street is red and backed up, and none of the other directions through the intersection are. This is a common occurrence the past few months. My suggestion would be to give more priority to northbound State Street traffic going through the intersection. Thanks so much for all you do! =)
  • Rough Road Archived
    I-15 N Sandy, UT, 84070, USA - Sandy
    There are 3 or 4 areas along I-15 North between 10600 S and 5300 S that looks like it’s where the different phases of construction met up, and the road is deteriorating across the entire width of every lane. There are extremely high spots, and extremely low spots, and everyone’s vehicle alignment and tires are taking a hit going over each one. There isn’t a way to avoid the bumps/dips, but I notice myself and other cars swerving slightly throughout their lanes to try going over the flattest areas.
  • Other Archived
    9000 South 1-15 Sandy, Utah - Sandy
    I was surprised when you widened the off-ramp on N.bound I-15 at 90th South, that you didn't close the access to 255 West. With all the traffic that is trying to turn right onto 90th and the traffic that turns on 255 west (only a couple feet from the off ramp) causes a big delay during heavy traffic flows. There already access to 255 West at the light just one block east of the off ramp, away from the mess.
  • Ramp Meters Archived
    Veterans Memorial Highway Sandy, UT - Sandy
    There are issues with the metering lights on the Northbound on ramp to I 15 at 10600 south. The far right lane is not working correctly and causing much confusion and congestion.
  • I-215 Northbound Just South Of I-80 Interchange. SALT LAKE COUNTY, Utah - Sandy
    Several months ago I submitted a post on a deer carcass just at the end of the on-ramp from 3800 S heading northbound on I-215, just south of the I-215 and I-80 interchange. I understand that you cancelled the post, making me believe that DOT had picked up the carcass. However, it is still there, pushed to the side by a snowplow.
  • Signage Archived
    10378-10398 Mall Ring Road Sandy, Utah - Sandy
    Northbound Monroe street after passing under 106th south. The first stoplight is situated as to be confused with the light that directs traffic for the northbound coming from the area of Texas roadhouse. In the past 3 weeks I have almost been hit twice as I have headed southbound on Monroe street by cars who had just exited the freeway and who either did not see the light or confused the green arrows from the northbound mall ring road light that appears to be directing the Monroe street traffic. Its all sorts of messed up. The lights need to be angled and or shielded so as to not be confused with the set behind it or a flashing light warning of stoplight ahead.