Elderly Female Homeowners and Women

Open Issues: 1 Closed Issues: 100 Acknowledged Issues: 1
Watching issues created after: 2017-05-31

Trees and bushes are higher creating blindspots for criminals to hide and break in. It would be nice if they would be and 18017 has weeds growing up on the fence and to their vacant unused car (renters). It's grown up to the hood of the vehicle in the backyard creating a BUSH between the fence and car. THAT HAS NEVER BEEN LIKE THAT! I have reported it a couple times. The people have addressed the grass being cut in the front. The back needs weed/grass growing between car and fence to be cut and c

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  • 18026 Murray Hill St Detroit, Michigan, 48235 - US Congressional District MI14
  • 18000 Murray Hill Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI14
    This continues leaving the can out for days after Friday's pickup. It was put out Friday and still out now. Other occasions he puts BOTH cans out. Neighbors around the corner can see it. This house is the corner house at Thatcher, directly across from 18003 Murray Hill.
  • 18011 Murray Hill St Detroit, MI 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    Cement is sinking down from corner to driveway of second home. Even the area at the corner by the fire hydrant was repaired where it was cracking last year, now it is worse. Please send someone to repair it before winter snow damages and become a danger to homes and preventing neighbors from using their driveways, water damage and more.
  • 18011 Murray Hill St Detroit, MI 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    This is becoming deeper just like the city came out 5 yrs ago for the one next door to be dug into. Now it's as though the hole is moving from corner house to this driveway entrance and front street of the house. I feel the sink each time walking onto the street. It needs repairing before the snow. The sewer is front of the house and sewer at intersection of corner house where the prior patch up was years ago. That sewer is breaking up too. If not handled it will become a pothole right in front of the driveway. The bottom driveway even has a cracked line on fairly brand new driveway.
  • 18003 Murray Hill St Detroit, MI, 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    Overgrowth and overgrown trees on property.
    Overgrowth is growing onto sidewalk and next door neighbor's property.
    Dog house in rear yard.
  • 18010 Murray Hill St Detroit, MI 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    blue can and brown yard bag.
  • 17605 St Marys St Detroit MI 48235, United States - US Congressional District MI14
    Street is flooding fast
  • 18010 Murray Hill St Detroit, MI 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    Snow removal for street. Almost got stuck this morning when going to work.
  • 18010 Murray Hill St Detroit 48235, United States - US Congressional District MI14
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  • 18000 Asbury Park Detroit, MI 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    waste on side berm of corner house on Thatcher that's been there for months
  • 18010 Murray Hill St Detroit, MI 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    The can has been out at the curb for the entire week. They walk right past it, other days they park in front of the can as though it's hidden. They are renter's of course.
  • 17604 Murray Hill Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI14

    On bulk day the truck evidently drove by this home. It's in the process of being remodeled, and cleaned out. The pile is properly placed but the truck drove by it and left it.

    Can someone help these people as they're trying to clean the house for the occupants.