Secure Properties, LLC
Open Issues: 178
Closed Issues: 2,884
Acknowledged Issues: 17
Watching issues created after: 2017-05-31
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Traffic Complaints Archived15900-15956 Puritan St Detroit, MI, 48227, USA - US Congressional District MI14Vision is obstructed at corner of Prevost & Puritan. Over abundance of greenery. Please help us. Is this a registered city park?
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived16520 St Marys St Detroit, MI, 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14Bulk items at the curb on Monday, Augusts 9. Bulk day was Friday, August 6.
Tree Issue Archived16103 Biltmore St Detroit, MI 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14Overgrown trees blocking sidewalk pathway.
Illegal Dump Sites Archived16244 W Mcnichols Rd Detroit, MI 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14the usual, you know.
Illegal Dump Sites Archived16244 W Mcnichols Rd Detroit, MI 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14illegal dump
Illegal Dump Sites ArchivedForrer St Detroit, MI, 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14Address is Hessel street between Forrer and Winthrop. People keeping dumping everything on this stretch Ida trees - trees, tree brances, plastic bags filled with stuff, bedding, TVs, lamps tires, etc. it a dumping area. People just drive by and dump whatever. There are no houses on this stretch of street. The trash people just drive their trucks by but they won’t pick anything up. Every week it just gets worse.
Illegal Dump Sites ArchivedAd15dress Unavailable - US Congressional District MI14Big tall tree branches
Illegal Dump Sites Archived16881 Ferguson St Detroit MI 48235, United States - US Congressional District MI14People have been dumping random items here for weeks.
Illegal Dump Sites Archived16244 W Mcnichols Rd Detroit, Michigan, 48235 - US Congressional District MI14All types of debris in the alley behind the building on Murray Hill north of West McNichols.
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived16103 Biltmore St Detroit Mi 48235 USA - US Congressional District MI14reported 4/18/16 & 12/13/18 garage faces Puritan, open to ongoing dumping; house vacant for years ADDRESS IN ERROR - SHOULD BE 16103 BILTMORE
Illegal Dump Sites Archived16580 St Marys St Detroit, MI 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14Trash can left out after pick up day on front lawn. Trash scattered throughout the backyard Ongoing problem with resident.
Water Main Break Archived16503 Biltmore Street Detroit, MI 48235, USA - US Congressional District MI14On the corner of Biltmore and Florence.