Mary Wardlaw
Open Issues: 815
Closed Issues: 3,543
Acknowledged Issues: 899
Watching issues created after: 2017-06-28
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Other AcknowledgedPembroke Pines Florida - Pembroke PinesCan you please do a drive by 301 sw 66th ave P Pines loud noise from neighbors house refuse to lower music. Disturbing the entire block. Every weekend we go thru this. Freq drive by might help the Law Abiding Citizens enjoy their weekend
Nuisance - Graffiti Acknowledged11221 Nw 23rd St Pembroke Pines FL 33026, United States - Pembroke PinesObscene flag at an officer of the law's hose no less We have many small children on this block His political views are irrelevant as the flag is obscene and disrespectful of his neighbors with children
301 Sw 66th Av Pembroke Pines, Florida - Pembroke PinesLoud noise, Bayfront Park level loud music, suspicious activity, and random gunfire. We are sick if it! Clean it up!
Huge beautiful tree- DESTROYED!!! Acknowledged6871 Sw 3rd St Pembroke Pines, FL 33023, USA - Pembroke Pines
1230 N Douglas Rd Pembroke Pines 33024, United States - Pembroke PinesSpeeding cars between Taft and Johnson. When will the city react to the danger the residents on Douglas road are in? We can’t even safely pull into our driveways anymore. Cars drag race, speed, swerve hit our mailboxes. Please do something as this is my 3rd post regarding the danger. Feel free to stand in my driveway and watch how insane it is.
8301-8305 Taft St Pembroke Pines, FL 33024, USA - Pembroke PinesThis old eyesore is super ugly to look at it gives the impression of a city in decline atleast the east side has that feel the east pines in decline look... this had graffiti on it the city spray painted over the graffiti in another color that was also as bad as the graffiti itself however the graffiti is back . Not to mention that whole fence should be rebuilt it is terrible
Street light out for the 100th time Archived1201-1299 Nw 89th Ave Pembroke Pines FL 33024, USA - Pembroke PinesLast night while pulling into our driveway my husband, his friend and my 15 year old brother were hit by another vehicle and transported to the hospital. When is the city going to care about lighting up Douglas Rd. 4 years of complaining about the constant lights out and here we are again. It could have left my family dead last night. I am not the only one complaining as my other neighbors complain as well. This is urgent and it is life or death for us living on this road.
Drainage - Standing Water more than 72 Hrs. Acknowledged1720 Nw 106th Ave Hollywood, FL, 33026, USA - Pembroke PinesWhat is it going to take for someone to do their job and fix this issue , there is no way to walk from the car to my home without stepping in a foot of water , no way for anyone to use the sidewalk , this is a life safety issue and you ignore it this complaint has been ongoing for years and you choose to ignore it there are statutes in place for this you have to rectify this situation it is getting worse it is throughout the neighborhood Fix it before someone gets hurt and please don't write the same thing you always do and do absolutely nothing , why will you not even attempt to fix it
ILLEGAL TREE TRIMING Archived320 Sw 70th Ave Pembroke Pines, FL 33023, USA - Pembroke PinesLarge tree completely trimmed after Irma without reason. No new tree(s) planted.
Drainage problem still not addressed Archived1720 Northwest 106th Avenue Pembroke Pines, Florida - Pembroke PinesOnce again the drainage problem in front of our house is a huge health and safety risk. I had sent in a complaint last rainy season and nothing was ever done. We have standing water in front of our house at least 4-5 inch for over 48 hrs and it will continue due to the rainy season. We have no drainage and the sidewalks are only getting worse. The City has sent people out to "fix" the side walk so it's no longer a tripping hazard but all they are doing is sanding down the concrete in those certain areas. I am now thinking that this is probably the issue on why the water has no place to go, the more the sidewalks get sanded down the sidewalks are now pitching inwards where all the water starts to accumulate. We can't get to our vehicles, there are ducks once again floating around leaving behind feces and the mosquitos are becoming a huge problem. I am concerned about the health and safety of my family and no one as even come by to check out the situation for at least a year now.I am now thinking about hiring an attorney maybe that will have someone come out finally and assess the issue.
Trash pile on side of street Acknowledged1215 Northwest 92nd Avenue Pembroke Pines, Florida - Pembroke PinesThere has been a pile of trash outside westview section #4 92nd street and 14th street for over 2 weeks now and it looks like a dump. This area seems to be the town house dumping point for several months now. We are tired of this end of our street looking like this mess. We all take care of our yards and houses to make our street a plesent place to live. What can we do to have this cleaned up and keep it from happening again.
Cars blocking street EVERYDAY!!! Acknowledged6930 Sw 4th St Pembroke Pines, Florida - Pembroke PinesThis house has been parking their cars in the street everyday blocking public road.... Or blocking sidewalk