
Open Issues: 379 Closed Issues: 3,181 Acknowledged Issues: 175
Watching issues created after: 2017-07-06

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  • 27 Cook Ave Chelsea, MA - Chelsea
    Why is there a DPW worker using a city owned piece of equipment to plow a private residence? Will they be doing this for every driveway in Chelsea because I would love to have my driveway plowed by the city free of charge. How about they work on the sidewalks or crosswalks which are still buried. My house is on kimball and it overlooks cook ave so I could see them very easily
  • 69 Marlborough St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    There’s always people blocking the sidewalk on 69 Marlborough St. Chelsea,MA. They take out chairs and tables, sometimes, they even do BBQ on the side walk. What can I do about it. It’s really annoying
  • 15 Eastern Ave Boston, MA 02128, USA - Chelsea
    The city of Chelsea needs to make a public message about it's plans to fix the traffic situation on the Chelsea Eastern Ave bridge. I just missed my flight because of this damn bridge, and it's because I literally cannot get from Broadway to the Airport and am sitting here stuck in traffic for over 40 minutes. You guys are the WORST. 1A is a disaster and so is east Boston because of this bridge. Are the residents of Chelsea somehow subsized for dealing with this nightmare? NO. have complaints been filed over and over? YES. Has anyone in city Govt given 2 cents about this? NO. All this because of shipping petrol and gas to the tanks on Eastern Ave. I bet the revenue from this deal is really nice for the city... yet has no benefit for the residents. Disgusting.
  • 154 Shurtleff St Chelsea, Massachusetts - Chelsea
    Once again 3 days in a row all night long groups of men on the corner of shurtleff st and Chester ave all night long. Selling drugs and harassing bystanders. They clearly aren’t from here or are recent to the area but it’s obvious. This is Definatly within 1000 feet of the shurtleff school and of the community college and should be monitored at all times if it’s like this. This area needs to be monitored constantly you can’t expext to fix it for a day and have the problem go away. You can’t expect the residents to call the police every time this occurs either because it’s constant unless it’s patrolled.
  • Mi Salvador Mexican Restaurant 222 Broadway, Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Last night during the snow fall I noticed the recycle man from the city at a local bar with city truck at 7 pm he continued to attend the bar up until 9 pm I don’t understand how this is city work related
  • 111 Shurtleff Street Chelsea, Massachusetts - Chelsea
    Past two days straight large groups of man dealing drugs all up and down shurtleff st, prostitution and drug dealing to junkies all night. No authority in sight. Why are there no patrols in these areas to stop this. It’s not a one time occurrence it’s daily. Kids live all around here and have to deal with this too, as well as elderly, I feel worse for them than myself. Children couldn’t be subjected to this in a school zone. Where do the children turn when the police won’t even help them?
  • 220 Broadway Chelsea, Massachusetts - Chelsea
    The park in front of 220 Broadway is a mess. The trash, liquor bottles and scratch cards are awful in the park. Is there a way to clean it and get a trash barrel in that area?
  • Chestnut Street Chelsea, Massachusetts - Chelsea

    Something needs to be done about these liquor stores selling to intoxicated people we see in our streets. The city officials must stop the political approach(aka blind eye)and address the issue. I live on Chestnut street and see Fernandez liquor store selling to the same group of individuals every day. None of their employees live in our community to understand the burden they put on us, our kids cannot even play outside anymore. Is this the price we pay for not having the means to live in a better city? With zero enforcement from city officials they continue to sell.

    The issue in Chelsea Square still very active, having TWO liquor stores(fernandez and chelsea mart) selling to them all day long. Please lets move on from the small talk and actually act. We want to see changes. I will start to take pictures and post here since no one seem to be able to see anything. Please, really help us.

  • Other Acknowledged
    10 Tudor St - Chelsea

    Speeding dirt bike without muffler going full throttle in wrong direction on one way street without helmet, leaving skid marks doing burnouts.

    Be great if people could not treat the streets like race tracks.

  • 350 Broadway Chelsea, Massachusetts - Chelsea
    This is getting crazy. Why the Police is not giving these double parked cars citations? I bet you if they were giving them a ticket, they wouldn’t be doing this. Perhaps the Police know they don’t have driver’s licenses and they will have to arrest(more work) even the Fire Department is struggling with this GRIDLOCK. Wait until these fire trucks get stuck on Broadway and a disaster happens. Make sure we hold the city manager and chief accountable for knowing the problem and not fixing it. This is a fixable problem, stop the excuses. Get out of the cruiser, check id and give a citation. Done.
  • Beacon St & Chestnut St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    On June 25, 2019 I submitted ticket no. 6086475, asking that in light of the upcoming closure of the 4th Street off-ramp, we *please* require Chelsea Police to monitor the Beacon Street off-ramp for semis, and to ticket violators. Of course, my ticket no. 6086475 was closed the same day it was submitted with a note thanking me for my input, and they'll forward to CPD. Well, apparently the message was lost somewhere, because at 9:25pm tonight there were FOUR SEMIS lined up on Beacon Street between Broadway and Chestnut after coming off the exit that is prohibited to them. This meant that traffic was backing up in both directions on Beacon Street and the off-ramp, and the 111 bus had difficulties getting through (and was forced to let passengers off in the middle of the street). This was all so very predictable. I had to call CPD twice, and to the best of my knowledge no one has responded. Even though the police station is less than a half a block away. Enough already - coordinate with the State Police, assign details to sit at the bottom of the ramp, but DO SOMETHING. I am really starting to think that it's going to take another person getting killed because of a semi, or a semi crashing into a house, before the City of Chelsea takes this matter seriously.
  • Scooter gang Archived
    158 Broadway Chelsea, Massachusetts - Chelsea
    Bunch of scooters speeding all over the city gathering behind the court house and lower Broadway. Some of them carrying small children with no required proper gear. Just by looking you can tell they do not a license to be on those scooters. It is the law. If I am a citizen and can see this why the police is not doing anything about it?? Please help us keep our streets safe, they go on sidewalk too, especially on lower Broadway.