Melissa Wheeler
Open Issues: 25
Closed Issues: 8
Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2017-07-11
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32 Abeel St Kingston, New York - KingstonMore boulders broke loose and landed on Company Path today. The construction fence has fallen down in several places. Trucks are illegally parking on Abeel St and on the sidewalks. Who is overseeing this construction? This site needs to be shut down until safety precautions are put in place.
This content has been blocked. Archived103 St James St Kingston, NY, 12401, USA - KingstonThis content is currently blocked. The content is either under review by SeeClickFix or has been confirmed by SeeClickFix for violation(s) of SeeClickFix Terms of Use ( Content that aligns with SeeClickFix Terms of Use will be posted, and content that does not align with our Terms of Use will not be permitted for public viewing.
This content has been blocked. Archived103 St James St Kingston, NY, 12401, USA - KingstonThis content is currently blocked. The content is either under review by SeeClickFix or has been confirmed by SeeClickFix for violation(s) of SeeClickFix Terms of Use ( Content that aligns with SeeClickFix Terms of Use will be posted, and content that does not align with our Terms of Use will not be permitted for public viewing.
This content has been blocked. Archived103 St James St Kingston, NY, 12401, USA - KingstonThis content is currently blocked. The content is either under review by SeeClickFix or has been confirmed by SeeClickFix for violation(s) of SeeClickFix Terms of Use ( Content that aligns with SeeClickFix Terms of Use will be posted, and content that does not align with our Terms of Use will not be permitted for public viewing.
Cars without plates Archived89 Moore St Kingston, NY, 12401, USA - KingstonMultiple cars get left without plates in the city road. This is illegal & annoying!! Currently 2 un plated parked cars (one which has been parked on the street for a month).
No Stopping and loud music ArchivedMaple St & Newkirk Ave Kingston, NY, 12401, USA - KingstonPeople are driving thru Maple St., Newkirk Ave an the intersection of Delaware Ave. in Kingston and are not stopping and playing loud music during the 24 hour period. Three DVD video tapes were given to the Kingston Police Department of the 66 vehicles during the day light hours, but they said they could not use the evidence because the license plate numbers did not show because it was to far away. Maybe we should do what the city of Newburgh, N.Y. and put up video cameras to catch these people and not have to have police officers sit on the street and wait. I have noticed that if there are officers on this street doing other functions these vehicles will turn off the music and stop there vehicles and they will call there friends an tell them. These streets use to be drug pick up and drop off area's, until it was stopped, but they are still riding through an I have see a person walk to a car an pick up drugs, so it is still being done. Something has to be done to put a complete stop to this. There are people who are living in a medical building who have mental issues and this could be affecting them also. We need to put a stop to this.
This content has been blocked. Archived103 St James St Kingston, NY, 12401, USA - KingstonThis content is currently blocked. The content is either under review by SeeClickFix or has been confirmed by SeeClickFix for violation(s) of SeeClickFix Terms of Use ( Content that aligns with SeeClickFix Terms of Use will be posted, and content that does not align with our Terms of Use will not be permitted for public viewing.