Melissa Wheeler
Open Issues: 26
Closed Issues: 8
Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2017-07-11
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32 Abeel St Kingston, New York - KingstonMore boulders broke loose and landed on Company Path today. The construction fence has fallen down in several places. Trucks are illegally parking on Abeel St and on the sidewalks. Who is overseeing this construction? This site needs to be shut down until safety precautions are put in place.
Post the neighbor Open9 Alcazar Avenue Kingston, New York - KingstonWhoever owns this house has no less than 20 very large piles of dog feces right in the front yard. When I walk my child to school, we cross the street but the smell is intense. Isn't there a law that requires homeowners to pick up dog feces in their own yard? It seems like a health hazard. Any suggestions?
POTHOLES OpenBroadway Kingston, New York - KingstonWorst roads in NY State, right here in Kingston. Tired of spending money on front end work every year on both of my vehicles. Then contractors cut the roads for sewer and water line repairs and the patched blacktop is poor, sinks in time because compaction was poor, DPW needs to inspect and do compaction tests. I guess bike lanes are a more important issue to The Mayor!
Deer crossing signs? Open287 Linderman Avenue Kingston, New York - KingstonAny chance some deer crossing signs might be put up on Linderman Ave? The herd is active and they can be a bit of a hazard
396 Broadway Kingston, New York - KingstonThere is a truly annoying noise that comes from Kingston Hospital on an intermittent basis. The sound is a fairly high pitched whine that varies in frequency, and can go on for hours. It can be heard from several blocks away.The worst part of it is that this usually occurs on beautiful days, when the air is cool and dry, and you would love to open your windows, but you can't! The sound is the kind that gets under your skin and causes headaches and who knows what else. We have called the hospital, the Mayor's office, and the police. No positive results!
Post to Neighbors OpenAbeel St/Rt 213 Kingston/Ulster County, New York - KingstonOften frustrated with the speed that vehicles travel in this 55 MPH zone. NYS traffic law: a posted sign "End 30 MPH" means the limit is increased to 55 MPH. Drivers seem to have no trouble speeding up after the bridge where there is no posted speed limit sign. I would love to see the "End" signs replaced by 55 MPH.