Bob Fried
Open Issues: 1
Closed Issues: 4
Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2017-07-21
Frequent cyclist
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The potholes are back Archived3200-3298 France Avenue South Minneapolis Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota - St. Louis ParkIt's road repair season and the potholes on the hill going down to the trail are back and are looking to swallow a bike or two.
4616 Merilane Ave Edina, MN, 55436, USA - St. Louis ParkThere are at least a dozen potholes on our street. These pot holes are very dangerous for the young kids riding their bikes on our street. Please fix them. Thanks!
Roadkill in bike lane Archived3010 Decatur Ave S St Louis Park, MN 55426, USA - St. Louis Parkcan someone please clean up this poor racoon that got killed and has in the bike lane for over a week. I've seen plenty of city employees drive past it.
Post to Neighbors Archived2235 France Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55416, USA - St. Louis ParkVehicle with Colorado plates parked overnight in Bike Lane. This caused other vehicles to veer into oncoming traffic lane causing oncoming traffic to veer into the bike lane on other side of street.
Post to Neighbors Open4925 Minnetonka Blvd Minneapolis, MN 55416, USA - St. Louis Parkpeople riding bike the wrong direction. three separate incidents in five minute span with one rider on walking path, also the wrong way.