Open Issues: 4
Closed Issues: 2
Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2017-08-03
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Traffic Light Bulb Out Archived412-414 Roosevelt Highway Colchester, Vermont - ColchesterHeading south on Route 7, the yellow bulb for the traffic light on the right is burnt out.
172 Roosevelt Highway Colchester, Vermont - ColchesterThis morning around 7:20am the light at the bottom of the exit 16 southbound off-ramp was only letting 4 cars through on green. At one point it stayed red for 5 straight minutes. When I got to the off-ramp traffic was beginning to back up onto the interstate. It took me over 10 minutes to make it down the ramp so I'm sure traffic was backing up a long ways onto the interstate during this time. Please fix ASAP!!!
lighting Archived18 Champlain Drive Colchester, Vermont - ColchesterBoth overhead lights are out at this intersection
106 High Point Ctr Colchester 05446, United States - ColchesterPlease fix this pot hole at the end of Highpoint center which gets worse by the day
Street Light OpenVietnam Veterans Memorial Highway Colchester, Vermont - ColchesterOverheard street light out on the entrance to the south ramp for 89S. Dark and dangerous.
Roosevelt Hwy Colchester 05446, United States - ColchesterPanhandlers in the are leave large amounts of litter and occasionally human waste in this location. Please do not encourage them with money, no matter how generous it may make you feel.