Open Issues: 32 Closed Issues: 99 Acknowledged Issues: 117
Watching issues created after: 2017-09-20

I have damaged two wheels because of lack of filling the pot holes when the roadway was hogged of by the resurface machine in late August. I need to know if this is re-embersable for my damages from the state.I have just read about how to do this but the way that's recommended is impossible, take pictures with your car, get witnesses testimony, multiple pictures of the roadway, Its probable fixed by now anyway cause of the "CLICKFIX" the state has. But I refuse to use this section of road because

Notified About

  • Pothole Archived
    Exit 22a Salt Lake City, UT, 84104, USA - Poplar Grove
    Yet another concern regarding the exit from I80 to N215. The craters are getting bigger. Please fix before someone gets hurt. There's no where to go to avoid them anymore.
  • Pothole Acknowledged
    I-80 W Salt Lake City, UT, 84104, USA - Poplar Grove
    Super large pothole with sharp edges. I and another car both experienced flat tires from the pothole tonight 11/10 and potentially ruined tires. The guy that helped us said we're the 4 and 5 people he's helped because of the potholes. They need to be fixed now.
  • Pothole Acknowledged
    Exit 22b Salt Lake City, UT, 84116, USA - Poplar Grove
    Very LARGE Pothole needs filled on exit southbound I-215 to I-80/Airport in exit lane on left side.
  • Signage Archived
    Belt Route Salt Lake City, Utah - Salt Lake City
    Please put a sign PRIOR to 700 N when 2100 N is closed so those of us needing to exit can do so at 700 N instead of going down to Redwood. Thank you.
  • Pothole Archived
    I-215 N Salt Lake City, UT, 84104, USA - Poplar Grove
    2 big pot holes damaged the rim of my car. The potholes are located in the far right lane going northbound on I-215 about a quarter mile past exit 22.
  • Pothole Archived
    I-215 Salt Lake City, UT 84116, USA - Poplar Grove
    This pothole is in the right lane headed east bound. It was so bad that I just literally cracked a rim. If I had more time I'd be coming after you guys for the repairs. Get this fixed ASAP! There are two other cars who have pulled over to check damage as well.
  • Pothole Acknowledged
    I-215 N Salt Lake City, UT, 84104, USA - Poplar Grove
    Can’t take pictures since it’s only one lane but on i80 taking i215 heading north to Ogden there is 5 potholes that need to be fixed. This will be my fourth time fixing my wheels due to these potholes and insurance doesn’t cover wheel damage! We need these roads fixed
  • Pothole Archived
    Exit 22b Salt Lake City, UT, 84116, USA - Salt Lake City
    On ramp from eastbound I-80 to northbound I-215 has massive potholes that need to be filled. There are piles of debris on the side of the road left behind from tires hitting these. If you don’t know to get to the left then you are going to ruin your car. They have been a problem far too long!
  • Pothole Archived
    I-215 N Salt Lake City, UT, 84116, USA - Salt Lake City
    The far right lane heading north has a two pot hole that are about 6 inches deep and a foot in diameter. It completely blew out my two passenger side tires. This is a huge safety concern and I don’t want to see anyone crash because of these pot holes.
  • Rough Road Acknowledged
    I-215 S Salt Lake City, UT, 84104, USA - Poplar Grove
    Very wide pothole with large bump. Causes I80>215 traffic to swerve to right at merge location to try to avoid. Very dangerous!
  • Rough Road Acknowledged
    Exit 22 Salt Lake City, UT, 84104, USA - Poplar Grove

    There is severe road erosion and holes, with a ridge in the hole that has caused multiple car tire failures The tow truck driver informed me. Please see the pictures.

    The incident manager said there have been multiple attempts to fix it without success.

  • Rough Road Archived
    Lincoln Hwy Salt Lake City, UT 84116, USA - Poplar Grove
    There is a severe drop in the concrete at the expansion joint on the southbound off ramp of I-215 to eastbound I-80 at location CSG 0.4