Rainbow Farms Homeowners

Open Issues: 0 Closed Issues: 9 Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2017-09-26

Covers the Rainbow Farms Homeowners Association properties, with a little bit added to include the Countryside Baptist Church property and the parcels with frontage on McMullen Booth that include Pinellas County-owned land and City of St. Peterburg Land.

Notified About

  • N Mcmullen Booth Rd Clearwater, FL, 33761, USA - Clearwater
    The traffic light north/south bound in McMullen Booth is green for 4 minutes which is excessive for the traffic flow. After the first two minutes, there is little or no more traffic moving while the cross roads and turn lanes are backed up. This also creates excessive speeding on McMullen Booth including road races late at night (routinely after 10 pm). It sounds like they are racing over 90 or 100 MPH. Something needs to be done before there is a major accident.
  • 3244 Enterprise Rd. Safety Harbor Florida - Pinellas County
    A gated community is being developed here. The sidewalk has been dug up and is impassible on the east side of this property being developed. Someone said it was done by Frontier Communications. Pedestrians must walk on enterprise road in order to bypass the sidewalk. Frontier (or whomever is responsible for the sidewalk) should repair it quickly so pedestrians and bicyclists don't have to walk or ride directly on Enterprise road. It has been dug & impassible up for over 5 weeks. It's a safety issue.
  • Road Issue Archived
    2525 N Mcmullen Booth Rd CLEARWATER, Florida - Safety Harbor
    Hello Folks, I understand you may consider this a private driveway, however it is a signalized intersection. The westbound pavement markings (crosswalk, stop bar, lane line and pavement arrows) need to be re-marked. Also, the concrete median needs re-marked as well. Please contact me with any questions and if there is a fee for doing the work, contact me before the work is done. Thank you for all your good work making our roadways safe to travel.
    James Potts
  • 1707-1799 Tall Pine Cir Safety Harbor, FL, 34695, USA - Safety Harbor
    Open burning of land clearing on residential property generating excessive smoke, apparent noncompliance with Sec. 58-214. - Land clearing
  • 1736 Pine Creek Ct Safety Harbor, Florida - Rainbow Farms North
    Mosquitos outside contsantly and they are now getting into the house and biting at night.
  • 3244 Enterprise Rd E Safety Harbor, FL, 34695, USA - Pinellas County
    It sounds like there are numerous trees being removed at the property. I live nearby and can hear chainsaws and machines from morning until night. Two men came through the woods and onto my property stating they were contractors for the new owners and "clearing a path" through the woods at their request.
  • Tree Issue Archived
    3244 Enterprise Rd E Safety Harbor, FL, 34695, USA - Pinellas County
    The (new) property owners have been clearing the woods behind them for months now. Many, many trees have a been cut down. There are constant sounds of chainsaws and wood chippers, even on the weekends. I believe they are beginning to cut down trees and brush from my and my neighbors property now.
  • 1702 Tall Pine Cir Safety Harbor, Florida, 34695 - Rainbow Farms North
    The sidewalks on our street were marked with orange paint - planned to be shaved - then COVID shut down everything in April/May 2020. Nothing has happened since and the heaved sidewalks were never addressed. The orange paint installed by the city has long since washed away. Please re-visit Tall Pine Circle in Safety Harbor for sidewalk repair since it was never done in 2020.
  • 3042 Tall Pine Dr Safety Harbor, FL, 34695, USA - Rainbow Farms North
    Letter received by Dept of Health for a complaint regarding overgrown yard and harboraging of rats. If letter and picture is helpful, please contact Brandy Downing 727-275-6450