
Open Issues: 0 Closed Issues: 37 Acknowledged Issues: 1
Watching issues created after: 2017-10-04

Huge pile in road, 9ft. high and 70 feet wide of debris which has become a safety and health (rats) hazzard. The address is 13014 which his directly across the street from our house. Our address is 13035 93rd. Ave., Seminole

Notified About

  • 13085 Lois Ave Seminole, FL 33776, USA - US Congressional District FL10
    When traveling west on 86th Avenue from Seminole Blvd there are trees blocking sight of the traffic light until you are right on it. Continuing West on 86th a tree is doing the same thing to the stop sign on 86th and Ridge road. Those not familiar with the area are not given enough time to see the light or the sign.
  • County Parks Archived
    12897 Lois Ave Seminole 33776, United States - US Congressional District FL10
    Land owned by county and leased to Walsingham Horseman’s Association has not been mowed at south property line fence in over three months.
  • 13088 Lois Ave Seminole / Pinellas, Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    Looks like home owner removed items from yard and dumped them on the county right of way behind their house.
  • 13065 93rd Ave Seminole, Florida, 33776 - US Congressional District FL10
    The sidewalk was torn out in May when the water leak was repaired and never replaced. The caution tape is long gone.
  • Road Issue Archived
    13035 91st Ave. N. Seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    A large Pine Tree fell during hurricane Irma. The county removed the tree, but the curbing in the area was raised and the gutter/ditch system no longer allows water to flow to the storm drain and water pools for days.
  • 12897 Lois Ave Seminole/Pinellas, Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    Leased County owned property behind Northern border of Dalewood Subdivision not being mowed consistently by Walsingham Horseman’s association as per agreement.
  • 12933 Lois Avenue Seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    Shed built right up to property line. Room addition withot permit, a/c change without permit. Electrical panel change withou permit. Interior house remodel without permit. Roof addition without permit.
  • 13000 Lois Ave Seminole / Pinellas, Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    Continuous sales of junk in front yard
  • 9277 Elm Circle Seminole , Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    Property not maintained --dogs on property , pool green, wild animals around, shrubbery taking over property. Vehicle in driveway with Flat tire for months now. I need to remain private and anonymous.
  • 13096 Lois Avenue Seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    Large camper parked illegally in Front of property
    Must be parked in rear of property where it cannot be seen
  • 13088 Lois Ave Seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    Ever afternoon (probably a bunch of small) dog(s) are barking for hours like crazy. This is ongoing since a couple of months. 1. Maybe dogs are treated badly. 2. Very disturbing for neighbors 3. Some first-responders have to sleep during the day. Thanks for your support and investigation.
  • 12810 93rd Ave N Seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10
    Excessive tree and yard debris overflowing onto the County right of way on the north side of their property and 30 feet or so on the back or east side of property. They also put their make shift since of boards and wire 30 feet on the County right of way. The front and south side of their house has construction materials stored outside as well. See attached photos.