J. Oaks

Open Issues: 116 Closed Issues: 6,205 Acknowledged Issues: 66
Watching issues created after: 2017-11-30

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  • Pleasant St & Summer St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 2

    Following up on multiple open requests for this intersection, because it really feels unsafe for both pedestrians and drivers.

    The walk light does not work. I tried pressing the button this morning, hoping to try and cross the street more safely during rush hour, and it never came on.

    The cross walk painting is almost completely gone on all three street crossings of this intersection - can it be prioritizing to re-paint these so both vehicle drivers and pedestrians can see them? Could also consider adding the bright yellow curb cuts for added visibility.

    This is always a difficult intersection, but especially during high traffic rush hour times. Also very concerning during school drop off, as there was no crossing guard to help get kids across a dangerous intersection safely, and again there is no working walk light. Thank you so much.

  • Centre St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 2
    I've submitted this picture before weeks ago, nothing has changed! At that time Ernie from parking told me the man living in this car has fallen on hard times and he would reach out to the director of the senior center in Malden to see if she could help. He's still living like this, along the public bike path, with families going past everyday, and he's urinating and defecating along the path. I've seen an industrial cleaning co. hose down the area so the city knows it's an issue. What is being done, what can be done for him? Nobody should have to live like this. Ty.
  • 82-118 Pearl St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 2
    A health care conglomerate has built a piece of advertising that is a massively obstructive eye sore in one of Malden’s few open spaces. Can it be relocated or at least repositioned so the graffiti-magnet will face the train tracks? Seems like poor planning.
  • Comments Archived
    Pleasant St Malden, MA - Malden Ward 2
    Why are we no longer able to add comments. This was helpful
  • 257 Pearl Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 2

    I’m not writing to complain about the church’s noise on Sundays. However, every Wednesday at 9 am, someone goes inside the church and completely BLASTS the PA system inside for 4 hours straight. Whether they are yelling in the mics or playing music, it’s unbelievably loud and completely disruptive for people in the surrounding homes--especially since WFH has been so prevalent these days. All of my windows can be closed and I can literally feel the vibrations in my home because of it.

    In addition to the noise, tons of vehicles park on the illegal side of Pearl St. and adjacent roads until 1 or 2pm on Sundays and have been known to block roadways and driveways. It’s a huge safety hazard.

  • 342 Pearl St Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 2
    The building located on the corner of Medford St and Pearl St. Is a hazard for pedestrians The side of the building on Medford Street is buckling and bricks have fallen out. Every time it rains it continues to weaken the wall. This is a hazard for pedestrians. Why hasn't this been taken care of? It's been like this for some time. o
  • 12 Thacher St Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 2
    Between the food trucks and building on corner of Medford and Pearl, Pearl street next to park that deals with food and saint peters church it seems the mice problem is getting worse every day. What is being done by the city and board of health to rectify this problem I'm tired of finding these mice in house or in yard . This is a real issue and is a health problem ..
  • 2 School Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 2
    Purchase two rules of large trash bags. All 10 of them are defective. Try to return to store they told me to go pound sand and take it up with the city. ?? Something needs to be done couldn't put my trash out because of this.
    Not to mention that the cheapest bags in the world anyways which is ridiculous.
  • Other Archived
    230–298 West St Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 2

    Heavy equipment Commercial Vehicle Parking

    Is there a reason the heavy construction equipment of Moriarty and Sons is parked in a residential zone on West St instead of a public parking lot? This equipment totally obstructs the view of the park during weekdays after 3 and all day Saturday and Sunday . trash is also collecting in the gutters that the street sweeper is unable to pick up because of the equipment . can a parking move be considered to a more appropriate non residential area?.. .. ..

  • 271 Highland Avenue Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 2
    NOT missed pick up but ILLEGAL emptying dumpsters at FOUR THIRTY ONE A.M. Can't tell which company is the offender but there's your proof. So yet once again the refuse companies are doing what they please by ignoring noise ordinances and disturbing residents. When will this stop????
  • 107 Avon Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 2
    Five (5) raccoons observed coming and going from the peak of the roof at 107 Avon St at dusk 7/28/2021; This is a repeat of the following Seeclickfix: and has been going on for over six years:
    Issue ID: 10034217
    Submitted To: City of Malden
    Category: Animal - Pets or Wildlife
    Viewed: 68 times
    Neighborhood: Malden Ward 2
    Reported: on 06/01/2021
  • Street Light Archived
    564-568 Pleasant St Malden, MA 02148, USA - Malden Ward 2
    In front of Boston Family Dental and across from 557 Pleasant