Wasatch Blvd
Open Issues: 3
Closed Issues: 46
Acknowledged Issues: 3
Watching issues created after: 2018-01-18
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Decrease speed limit on Wasatch Archived9053 Kings Hill Place Cottonwood Heights, Utah - Salt Lake CountyThe neighborhood should lobby for a decreased speed limit on Wasatch from the new traffic light north to the light at Bengal Blvd. A 30 mph limit is more suitable for the neighborhood and might encourage the through traffic to seek other routes north and south.
Traffic Signals Archived8812 S. Blue Jay Lane Salt Lake City, UT - Cottonwood HeightsI live in the Top of the World area which is greatly affected by the new traffic pattern at the bottom of Little Cottonwood Canyon. Now that the northbound traffic from LCC doesn't have to stop, it is nearly impossible for us to egress in or out of our street, Golden Hills Avenue. When I am travelling South and go into the left turn lane to turn into MY NEIGHBORHOOD (I think you've forgotten that this is not a SKI HIGHWAY, we LIVE HERE) I am either nearly rear ended from behind or hit head on from the front. There is a 50 MPH sign for people coming down the canyon INTO OUR NEIGHBORHOOD, but they are doing at least 60, sometimes 70. The lines are painted well enough to encourage traffic to veer right and usually the Northbound traffic is coming straight at me. Trying to egress out of our street to turn South is nearly impossible. To turn North is a little easier...thank goodness everyone from Draper and the ski areas can get through, though. I feel like there was NO CONSIDERATION given to the fact that Wasatch goes through our residential area. We live here. We are not just passing through. You made the intersection work for everyone but the residents. Something has to change.
7430 Wasatch Boulevard East Cottonwood Heights, Utah - Cottonwood HeightsYou have traffic alone Wasatch with a 50 MPH speed limit and the only thing protecting bikers from being killed by a vehicle is one small strip of paint??? This if very poor, very safe biking infrastructure. At the speed limits you have on Wasatch, there should be a physical barrier between vehicles and cyclists. AT THE BARE MINIMUM, you should have a rumble strip to alert cars that they are leaving their lane of travel and entering a bike lane. I drive Wasatch every day and every day, I watch some car or trunk driving half in the bike lane. I ride my bike from Spring to Fall to commute to work on the route and it terrifies me to know how often cars either don't pay attention or they thinks it's fine to cut a turn and drive in the bike lane or use the bike lane as a right hand turn lane. Just painting a bike road is NO WHERE NEAR ADEQUATE. Oh wait, you didn't even bother to do that..... Please make it safer to bike on Wasatch. Safe biking=more bikers= more commuters on bikes=less traffic=less congestion and less air pollution.
Construction Barricades Archived8745 Wasatch Blvd Cottonwood Heights, Utah - Cottonwood HeightsThere have been orange construction barricades for most of the summer placed near this intersection of Wasatch Blvd and Golden Hills Ave. I have not seen any actual construction, however, for several months. Is construction complete? Can you remove the barricades? If it's not complete, please finish the job!
DANGEROUS ArchivedUt-210 Salt Lake City, UT, 84121, USA - Cottonwood Heights
Stop "FIXING" this area of Wasatch with worse ideas. You now want me to pull out of my neighborhood across two lanes of traffic, while cars are coming down the canyon at 50MPH!? Get real! I hope there is a lawsuit against UDOT the first time someone gets t-boned and killed here.
SLOW DOWN WASATCH TRAFFIC! It's 35 mph all throughout Sandy. Why the need for 50 mph throughout Cottonwood Heights?
How about you show some care for residents, we're your neighbors you know.
Vegetation ArchivedUt-210 Salt Lake City, UT, 84121, USA - Cottonwood HeightsWeeds are so tall that it is blocking the view of drivers trying to enter Wasatch Blvd.
Traffic Signals ArchivedUt-210 Salt Lake City, UT, 84121, USA - Cottonwood HeightsUnsafe egress and ingress due to high speed, high traffic, and poor visibility when exiting the neighborhood with total absence of any traffic calming, signals, or other safety measures.
ADA compliant ramps on sidewalks that lead to nothing other than the traffic lane with cars at 50 mph. -
Snow Removal Archived9086 Kings Hill Pl Salt Lake City, UT 84121, USA - Cottonwood HeightsPls come clear the snow we can't get out it's really bad here pls come clear the snow
Snow Removal Archived9086 Kings Hill Pl Salt Lake City, UT 84121, USA - Cottonwood HeightsTheir is lots of snow we can't get out pls come remove the snow clear our pathways pls
Traffic Signals Archived8905-8927 Wasatch Boulevard Cottonwood Heights, Utah - Cottonwood HeightsNB/EB Wasatch Blvd to Little Cottonwood Rd / Wasatch Blvd. The High-T intersection signals: There are two signal heads at this intersection.
The green right turn arrow is not functioning. The red right turn arrow works, and the left arrows signal works. -
Fencing Archived7717 S Avondale Dr Cottonwood Heights City, UT, 84121, USA - Cottonwood HeightsLarge tree limg fell on fence. The tree is on UDOT ROW and mainly dead.
Can we have this cut down. -
Animal Carcass Archived8662 Alpen Cir Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121, USA - Cottonwood HeightsThe deer carcass is on east side of Wasatch boulevard next to treeline. The mapping system, won't give a Wasatch boulevard address, however, the pinpoint is the location of the deer. The deer is on UDOT right-of-way.