Open Issues: 32
Closed Issues: 159
Acknowledged Issues: 18
Watching issues created after: 2018-01-21
Notified About
Sidewalk Blocking Archived69 Marlborough St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - ChelseaThere’s always people blocking the sidewalk on 69 Marlborough St. Chelsea,MA. They take out chairs and tables, sometimes, they even do BBQ on the side walk. What can I do about it. It’s really annoying
15 Eastern Ave Boston, MA 02128, USA - ChelseaThe city of Chelsea needs to make a public message about it's plans to fix the traffic situation on the Chelsea Eastern Ave bridge. I just missed my flight because of this damn bridge, and it's because I literally cannot get from Broadway to the Airport and am sitting here stuck in traffic for over 40 minutes. You guys are the WORST. 1A is a disaster and so is east Boston because of this bridge. Are the residents of Chelsea somehow subsized for dealing with this nightmare? NO. have complaints been filed over and over? YES. Has anyone in city Govt given 2 cents about this? NO. All this because of shipping petrol and gas to the tanks on Eastern Ave. I bet the revenue from this deal is really nice for the city... yet has no benefit for the residents. Disgusting.
Beacon St & Chestnut St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - ChelseaOn June 25, 2019 I submitted ticket no. 6086475, asking that in light of the upcoming closure of the 4th Street off-ramp, we *please* require Chelsea Police to monitor the Beacon Street off-ramp for semis, and to ticket violators. Of course, my ticket no. 6086475 was closed the same day it was submitted with a note thanking me for my input, and they'll forward to CPD. Well, apparently the message was lost somewhere, because at 9:25pm tonight there were FOUR SEMIS lined up on Beacon Street between Broadway and Chestnut after coming off the exit that is prohibited to them. This meant that traffic was backing up in both directions on Beacon Street and the off-ramp, and the 111 bus had difficulties getting through (and was forced to let passengers off in the middle of the street). This was all so very predictable. I had to call CPD twice, and to the best of my knowledge no one has responded. Even though the police station is less than a half a block away. Enough already - coordinate with the State Police, assign details to sit at the bottom of the ramp, but DO SOMETHING. I am really starting to think that it's going to take another person getting killed because of a semi, or a semi crashing into a house, before the City of Chelsea takes this matter seriously.
12 Gardner St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - ChelseaI was driving by and la Iglesia La Luz De Cristo 738 Broadway, Chelsea, MA 02150 I saw people going in and music was playing. I thought all churches need to be closed for social distancing and protection of the general public in order to avoid getting sick from the virus.
738 Broadway Chelsea, Massachusetts - ChelseaThe community center at the church needs to be shut down or needs to pay for police detail during hours of operation. This has been an on-going issue and will no longer be tolerated by local business owner owners. There was public drinking/ drug use and a fight in front of our business this morning on Broadway. Let's Make Chelsea Great Again!
151 Shurtleff St Chelsea, MA - ChelseaShot spotter last night as per Chelsea news one round recovered and two streets down on Lynn st. a few hrs later it’s filled with gang thugs roaming the streets taunting pedestrians, selling drugs, doing whatever they do and no police patrol in sight. This is a nightly Occurance. Why is this allowed to take place. Why do the police not patrol like they are expected in areas like this. Especially after gun related activity in the area. This is unacceptable.
Rodent issues Archived170 Revere Beach Parkway Chelsea, MA - ChelseaI was at McDonald’s on revere beach parkway on 3/8/18 at 7:30pm. While I was ordering my items i noticed 4 rats running around the bushes/grass area near the drive thru. I am aware the dumpster is nearby and has always been there since I was a child and that was easily 20 plus years ago from my own memory. I question if the exterior of this restaurant is to this level, what does the interior look like? What are the sanitation issues if any? In the past 3-4 years this issue in the McDonald’s drive thru has only become exceedingly worse. I gave them the benefit of the doubt at first since we are a city, we are heavily populated, and I know the city in general has had rodent issues (especially the last 4+ years) I thought maybe the first few times was rogue but it’s becoming worse and worse. If McDonald’s is at this level of rodent issues, imagine the surrounding homes, businesses, etc. that battle the issues (invasion of rats/mice) or have issues but do not rectify them and the rat/mice population just breeds and breeds and becomes even worse. I have seen mice/rats on my own street as well as around the city. I understand we are a city and with the city comes rodents. However, the city needs to step up their efforts in rectifying these problems. My family has called city hall on numerous occasions to be told they bait the sewers and offer residential baiting programs. That is great and all but it is not even close to enough. I do not want to be pushed out of the city I grew up in because of rats and never wanting to go in my own yard at night in fear of the rats. My household has had professional treatments (exterior/interior) as proactive measures for quite a few years now. It disgusts me that when I pick up something in my yard, did I come into contact with rodent urine/feces? The city needs to be aware children are citizens of the city too and it’s unsanitary for kids (or anyone) to play in their yards and come into contact with rodent urine/feces. The city itself and the residents and business owners of Chelsea need to be proactive and together as a community we can get a better handle on the rodent population. If homeowners/business owners recognize an issue, it immediately needs to be treated. If a neighbor has a burrow or the owner themselves have one or you see rats entering homes or around homes, it needs to be taken care of properly. If a neighbor is not fixing their issues the city needs to visit these homes/business and tell the owners to fix the problem and that comes with neighbors coming together and becoming one as a community. I watched the Facebook live video the city had about the rat issues and I think it left many people still questioning what the city is doing to help. We need help with this issue! I’ve seen this city though many phases in my 30 plus years here and this is a major issue and we can’t do it alone!
738 Broadway Chelsea, Massachusetts - ChelseaThe community center at the church needs to be shut down or needs to pay for police detail during hours of operation. This has been an on-going issue and will no longer be tolerated by local business owner owners. There was public drinking/ drug use and a fight in front of our business this morning on Broadway. Let's Make Chelsea Great Again!
170 Cottage St Chelsea 02150, United States - ChelseaThis has been reported once before but I feel this must be taken care of immediately! There is standing water all over this property, I don’t care that it’s a construction site. The property owner has not done anything to it in over a year! EEE is being spread by mosquitos in MA and has been fatal as well. The government is spraying in areas around Boston and yet Chelsea refuses to enforce basic property codes. We have a long weekend coming up where people will want to enjoy the last days of summer without fear of contracting a deadly disease because the city refuses to stand up and do the right thing. Mandate they take care of it or have the city do it and send them a bill for services plus a fine. GET TOUGH AND TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!
The Street of Broadway Archived725 Broadway Street Chelsea, MA - ChelseaHello,
To whoever this may concern I am writing to add a few suggestions on making Chelsea a better city. A attractive city draws people in and people that are drawed in is more business and etc. I’ve noticed Chelsea has had lots of upgrades from the sidewalks to the streets with paint and just overall general upgrades, but I’ve noticed the Main Street of Broadway and specifically near 725 Broadway has been so neglected. There are no trees planed in that street to create a more beautiful community... like in other streets. There aren’t lights added like there is in the city of revere... mind you this street of Broadway connects to revere! It is just so neglected... no plants or city trees being built. I would love to see more of a effort being made to this street and not just the city hall and other streets. There is a new apartment complex being build behind in this Broadway street and a better looking street could do so much.
There are my suggestions because I am a part of rigid community and would love to see it flourish all in every single street and area.
Thank you in advance for hearing me out.