Seminole Unincorporated
Open Issues: 1
Closed Issues: 495
Acknowledged Issues: 44
Watching issues created after: 2018-01-30
86th to Ridge to 94th to 137th.
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Road Issue Archived12425 91st Ter Seminole, FL, 33772, USA - US Congressional District FL10These home owner are always blocking the sidewalk forcing you into the street.
Also they water every day 7 days a week at 7:00 am. -
Sewer Issue Archived9390 121st St Seminole 33772, United States - US Congressional District FL10Sewer on SW corner of 94th Ave and 121st St in Seminole not draining for past 2 months.
Code Enforcement Archived9136 130th Way Seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10The owner always has junk in front yard and now has dozens of Christmas trees in his driveway piled up. this creates a fire hazard and a place for rodents to hide.
Animal Related Archived13654 88th Ave Seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10The owners have chickens and they are constantly out roaming the street. Specifically my issue is they dig up the yard and poop all over our driveway and entrance to our door. I’ve stepped in it going in my vehicle, I constantly have to clean driveway and wash driveway.
Code Enforcement Archived13481 87th Place Seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10Vehicle has been parked facing the wrong way on the street in front of the property for 6 or more months. Car is currently on jack stands. It has been inoperable and NEVER MOVED IN MONTHS. Please have removed immediately.
Tree Issue Archived12000 90th Ave Seminole 33772, United States - US Congressional District FL10I’m pretty sure the city of Seminole is responsible for the lot next to my house. There is extreme over growth of the trees, it’s breaking my fence. There has also been dumping of rocks/cement.
11999 Orange Blossom Dr Seminole, FL 33772, USA - US Congressional District FL10This is what the County considers completed work. This drain and ditch was reported as over grown and no longer draining correctly. The County stated the work was complete. Once it was brought up that the work was not completed, Pinellas County then said it's not theirs to maintain. It's part of the Counties sewer system...The County has now created a mosquito breeding ground and has not cleared the ditch and drainage issue. This is our tax payers money hard at work.
Streetlights Archived13182 92nd Ave Seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10We only have one working streetlight on our street. Street is dark and causes an issue with kids playing outside and safety.
Ditch Obstruction Archived11999 Orange Blossom Dr Seminole, FL 33772, USA - US Congressional District FL10There is a drainage ditch that runs all along the back fences, behind the backyards that adjoin to the SYAA complex. The drainage ditch and drain are all over grown and not draining properly. This ditch/drainage needs to be cleared out as this floods/fills up pretty quickly during heavy rains. The houses on the East end have actually had flooding from this drainage system overflowing.
Code Enforcement Archived13481 87th Pl N seminole, Florida - US Congressional District FL10The people at this residence are using a trailer to store TRASH and JUNK collected from other people's trash. This trailer has been this full for MONTHS!!!! Kindly explain to these folks that that CANNOT use a trailer as indefinitely auxiliary storage. It would be one thing if they filled it up and it stayed like that for a day or two. But give me a break! It has been like this for months. A broken down lookin trailer with other peoples TRASH in it parked on their driveway for months on end.
Sewer Issue Archived11990 Orange Blossom Dr Seminole, FL 33772, USA - US Congressional District FL10Home owner dumping and shoveling dirt into the sewer drain. It was a Waste Management huge green garbage can full of dirt that was emptied into the sewer drain.