
Open Issues: 4 Closed Issues: 9 Acknowledged Issues: 0
Watching issues created after: 2018-02-26

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  • 1003 Pegg Rd Atlanta, GA 30344, USA - Jefferson Park
    The vacant house is being used for dumping trash. Rodnets and all kind of creatures are attracted to this house.
  • Semi Trucks Archived
    1310 Winburn Dr Atlanta, GA, 30344, USA - Jefferson Park
    Semi trucks drive through Jefferson Park neighborhood. Specifically Winburn Dr. and knock down cable and internet lines. Happened again today 11/18.
  • Graffiti Archived
    957 Cleveland Ave Atlanta, GA, 30344, USA - Jefferson Park
    Graffiti on the BILLBOARD and also on the building next to it (cable/internet building?). The billboard company needs to maintain the boards and keep them in use or the city should force them to remove them.
  • 929 Parkside Terrace East Point, GA 30344, USA - Jefferson Park
    Tennis net broken or needs to be reattached!! This is located at Brookdale Park.
  • 1450-1498 Bryan Ave East Point, GA, 30344, USA - Jefferson Park
    Someone trashed the park. They pulled off the boards on the gazebo. Some of the boards were buried in the sand with the nails up. I collected the ones I could find, but I'm worried more are under the sand. The trash cans were ripped up and thrown around, a swing was broken, and padding from the volleyball net was ripped off. The park is not safe for children with the exposed nails (more potentially hidden in the sand).
  • Brookdale Park - Jefferson Park

    Can we please get a little love for the basketball court here at the park? It is constantly littered with trash on the court and the surrounding grounds. The trash cans are overflowing.

    And these nets are SO SAD! This is the 3rd set of cheap nets that tear immediately as soon as a shot is made. I’ve watched happen it myself. Can we PLEASE get some high quality nets for BOTH GOALS so that we can play basketball.

    The rims could use replacing as well, something better, not those terrible double rims that can’t hold the nets up.

    Thank you.

  • Power Issue Archived
    1297 E Forrest Ave East Point, GA 30344, USA - Jefferson Park
    cable is hanging from power lines to ground. end is exposed to elements. unsure if power or internet line
  • 866–998 Parkside Terr East Point GA 30344, United States - Jefferson Park
    A neighbor posted that the basketball hoop nets were falling down On Friday the parks and rec crew came out and fixed them Today, Sunday, 2 days later, they have fallen down again Can we get better quality hoops so this stops happening? What happened to the ones that were here before Covid, this never happened with the old hoops
  • 1369 Bryan Ave Atlanta, Georgia, 30344 - Jefferson Park
    A sofa and cabinet was illegally dumped on the side of the street
  • Brookdale Park East Point, GA, USA - Jefferson Park
    Can we please get some decent nets on the basketball courts. They come off every time a shot is made and were done since day one. Then kids move the trash can to try and climb up and reattach the nets so it’s not good. Please replace so we can utilize the courts.
  • Power Outage Archived
    2575 Harris St East Point GA 30344, United States - Jefferson Park
    Power Outage at Tri-Cities VPA Magnet High School.
  • 866–998 Parkside Terr East Point GA 30344, United States - Jefferson Park
    The basketball court nets STILL need to be fixed and replaced I don't understand how this is so hard