Open Issues: 0 Closed Issues: 61 Acknowledged Issues: 11
Watching issues created after: 2018-04-25

Hello I live in Lansbrook and have noticed the walkways and bike trails have raised cracks on Tarpon Lake Blvd Lakefront Dr as well as Lansbrook pkwy .This is a safety issue and we are affraid someone is going to get hurt.Do we have any future plans to repair?
Thank You
Lansbrook Neighbor

Notified About

  • 4348 Fallbrook Blvd East Lake, FL, 34685, USA - East Lake
    The sidewalk has been in this condition since July 2022. The owner said they are waiting for Pinellas County to work on it. Please bump up the priority on this job.
  • Graffiti Acknowledged
    Highpoint Dr Palm Harbor, FL, 34685, USA - East Lake
    Offensive words carved into the sidewalk. I was only able to upload a picture showing one of them. They are all on the same slab though
  • 5055 Jasmine Way Palm Harbor, FL 34685, USA - East Lake

    Actual location is Highpoint Drive, Palm Harbor, north of Jacmel Way, west side.

    Sidewalk floods when it rains and leaves a layer of mud that is very slippery. Walkers get around in the grass, but bikers will ride through and this is a safety concern.

    Earlier this year a section 75 feet away was repaired, but this section was missed.

  • Road Issue Archived
    E Tarpon Ave & Us-19 N Tarpon Springs, FL, 34689, USA - Tarpon Springs
    Pavement is eroded at multiple places on US 19 N and south bound in Tarpon springs and Palm harbor , causing wind shield damage from gravel. Especially at most left turning exits , in 3rd lane approaching Klosterman rd on 19 N and at junction on 19 N and Tarpon Avenue. Needs repair and repaving ASAP. Thanks
  • Sidewalk Repair Acknowledged
    4843 Juniper Dr East Lake, FL, 34685, USA - East Lake
    The bike path/side walk along Lansbrook Parkway is riddled with bumps due to tree roots pushing up through the asphalt. I know of an elderly man who tripped up while jogging and had broken bones in his face because of this. This is a safety issue that needs to be addressed.
  • 4608 Tamworth Dr Palm Harbor, FL 34685, USA - East Lake
    Dangerous bumps and cracks on the Lansbrook pathway (adjacent to 4608 Tamworth)
  • Lake Front Dr Palm Harbor, FL, 34685, USA - East Lake
    Hello Pinellas,
    Looks like someone has dug up a water line on the corner of Tarpon Lake Bl and Lakefront Dr it has been there for a couple of days.Someone is going to have an accident it is near the walking trail and bike sidewalk.
  • Berisford Blvd & Lansbrook Pkwy Palm Harbor, FL, 34685, USA - East Lake
    There is an electrical extension cord running across the sidewalk/exercise trail. it used to be wedged into the crack of the concrete but is now a trip hazard. It does not belong to Lansbrook Master or Berisford. We are curious if this might be the county's cord. We would appreciate if someone could take a look please.
  • Tarpon Lake Blvd Palm Harbor, FL, 34685, USA - East Lake
    Water line break between sidewalk and roadway.
  • Kirkaldy Dr & Lake Front Dr Palm Harbor, FL, 34685, USA - East Lake

    This has been like this since November of 2020 can someone give me a contact number so I can follow up!!!!!!
    We have several broken electrical boxes in Lansbrook on Lakefront Dr on the south side of the road. Please see picture attachments and road signs where these are located.

    Thank You
    Dennis Shepherd
    CIC Committee

    Sidewalk Repair
    Post a New Comment3 COMMENTS

    Pinellas County (Verified Official)
    Pinellas County assigned this issue to Pinellas County Utilities
    02/18/2021 · Flag

    ACKNOWLEDGED Pinellas County (Verified Official)
    Thank you for contacting Pinellas County to report this issue. Pinellas County Utilities has created an internal Service Request and is currently working on resolving this matter. If you have any further questions please contact us at 727-464-4000 and reference Service Request #103590. We are striving to improve our services. Please visit to tell us how we are doing. Thank you!
    02/18/2021 · Flag

  • 4626 Tamworth Dr Palm Harbor FL 34685, United States - East Lake
    There are about 6 cracks along Tamworth between Lansbrook pkwy and Fallbrook Blvd the are really bad. I know one of them took me try o the
  • Road Issue Archived
    4077-4099 Carlyle Lakes Blvd Palm Harbor, FL, 34685, USA - East Lake
    There was a 'mini sinkhole' that was repaired a couple of months ago. The patch has sunk a couple of inches and gives your car a jolt going over the manhole cover.