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Other Archived15930 Ryland St Redford MI 48239, United States - RedfordFellow has been spoken to in past by township inspector but refuses to comply He temporarily moved rocks about 6" inches or so and most recently added as pictured above The tree/bush is but another tactic, as it grows the roots will wreak havoc too w
25911 W 6 Mile Rd Redford, Michigan, 48240 - Redford
What is the legal limit of smoke restaurants are allowed to spew? Are there restrictions or are the citizens of Redford left to fend for themselves while a business nearby affects the quality of life and home values in the area…6 days a week.
Is anything going to be done or am I going to continue to breathe visible smoke every day?
At 10:45 every day it smells like burning bugs in a light fixture (minimal smoke). During peak times it’s like being next to a wildfire with thick smoke blowing into the residential area or sidewalk and street. It just seems wrong and I don’t get why nothing is being done.
Complaints have been made in the past and the smoke was less afterwards. The proprietor is in control of how much smoke they produce.
Other Archived11356 Farley Redford Charter Twp, MI 48239, USA - Redfordanenerally Commercial vehicle in residential neighborhood. The driver of this unit appears to be the same person known for racing up and down the subdivision streets recklessly, disturbing the peace, following residents in an attempt to intimidate them, and generally harassing residents.
15449 Gaylord Redford, MI, 48239, USA - RedfordTrash, recycle and compost bins have been sitting on the curb for almost 3 weeks. Their flower beds are completely overgrown with weeds and grass and there's an abandoned car is behind the garage.
Way to many car lots ArchivedPlymouth Road Redford, MI - Redfordplymouth riad starting at Telegraph to Inkster there are 10 car lots...this is ridiculous.It is a shame how Redford has gone to trash. And no matter how many complaints NOTHING is ever done.This is the reason we have empty houses because people are disgusted with how Redford is deteriorating and the Township does NOT listen to the people to make it better.
Animal Control Archived18221 Denby Redford, MI, 48240, USA - RedfordLarge possum and his babies living under my patio. Every time I open my garage she comes in. I've been seeing her all winter, my cat shows me he is under the patio with her actions when I let her out. Please help, I am afraid of it, and I'm afraid to go in my garage 😫
Property Maintenance Archived11600-11998 Hemingway St Redford Twp, MI, 48239, USA - RedfordI count a least 6 vacant, open, dilapidated mobile homes in the Long Trailer Park at Hemingway and Plymouth Rd. Not only is this an eyesore, but serves as a home for vagrants and vermin (not safe or economical environment for our community). I previously reported this last year. The situation only worsens. What is being done to address thisv
Illegal Dumping / Illegal Dump Sites Archived19592 Garfield Redford, MI, 48240, USA - Redford
the people at 19592 Garfield keep putting tree limbs and branches in their back yard and it's a rental. They added to it this past Monday.That is a perfect rat nest so something needs to be done please. I dont want this neighborhood turning into Detroit. I dont spend my money and time making sure my yard looks nice just so I can come out and see that mess every day.
19 year resident and home owner in Redford. -
noise complaint. Archived11653 Norborne Redford, MI, 48239, USA - Redfordnew neighborsit in car and shake my house car base I talked to them 2 times has not stopped I got cancer and need to rest which I cant do with my house shaking the same people that never mowed lawn or shoveled snow this year, I know its going to be a fun summer need help please you did get them to remove the leave bags that they had out there for 3 months in nov dec thanks for that
15993 Denby Redford, MI, 48239, USA - Redford
I know Redford residents are allowed to put a large item out on trash day to be picked up. The wonderful people at the corner decided they'd leave a piano on Puritan for two to three weeks in hopes of having the lone garbage man lift it up and put it in his truck.
These are the same people that decided to put 20 or so bags of compost out after compost pick up was over for the season and leave it on the side of the road for a month or two before finally being told to move it. Your inspectors will know the house when they see it. Maybe they can encourage them to hire someone to take away their piano since they never seem to get the hint that the local garbage man isn't that strong. I'm not saying he's weak, but he's not as strong as Bubba or John.
This issue has really struck a chord with a lot of neighbors. I don't want to get the piano in treble. Thanks.
Property Maintenance Archived15610 Wakenden Redford, MI, 48239, USA - RedfordOwners have not been around for months. Garage is always open, furniture, televisions and trash all over the yard and garage. The garage and old boat in the driveway is a home to raccoons. Dog feces is all over the yard. Upstairs window has been open all winter, birds and squirrels have come in and out daily.
Fireworks/Noise Complaint Archived11362 Appleton Redford, MI, 48239, USA - RedfordNeighbors are blasting music and letting off fireworks in the street!!! This is incredibly disturbing and reckless behavior particularly with all the low hanging tree branches that could easily catch fire.