Oak Hill and Surrounding Area
Open Issues: 2
Closed Issues: 260
Acknowledged Issues: 16
Watching issues created after: 2018-10-24
Oak Hill Acres and surrounding areas.
Notified About
Illegal Dumping Archived186–198 George St S Tarpon Springs FL 34688, United States - East LakeSomebody(might have been storm debris cleanup crew)dumped oil(maybe hydraulic fluid) into the ditch along George St S. This ditch drains into Lake Tarpon. The oil is floating on the water and moving down the ditch and collecting by my driveway. I live at 156 George St S. Text or call me for more info
Illegal Watering Archived546 Austin Dr East Lake FL, 34688, USA - East LakeContinuously water on non watering days .
Sidewalk Repair Archived2453 Keystone Rd Tarpon Springs, Florida, 34688 - East LakeHole in Pinellas Trail caused by contractor
Sidewalk Repair Acknowledged34688 East Lake, FL, USA - East LakePreviously fixed portion of Pinellas Trail is cracking again. About 1 inch crack. Getting bigger
Pinellas Trail Archived3102 County Road 582 Tarpon Springs, Florida - East Lakecrossing East Lake Rd to get to other side of trail Cars truning Right from east bound Keystone Would like a no trun on red. There is one on the west bound lane of Keystone .
Traffic Signal Issue Archived2-176 East Lake Rd Tarpon Springs, FL, 34688, USA - East Lake
Red hand light blinks but, there is no countdown numbers showing.
This is crossing West on the South Side of the East Lake and Keystone Rd Crosswalk coming from Tri-County Trail. I saw this issue yesterday and thought that I better report it.
This has happened before at the same crosswalk but, going East. Somebody might want to check all of them around there while they are fixing this one going West. Thank you!
Environmental Archived820 Crestridge Dr Tarpon Springs FL 34688, United States - East LakeThe grass has not been cut in over 3 months. It is a major eye sore in the neighborhood. This is county owned property
Sidewalk Repair ArchivedNew East Lake Rd S Tarpon Springs 34688, United States - East LakeFixed bollard on Trail knocked over at Kensington Trace and Pinellas Trail/Eastlake rd
Traffic Signal Issue ArchivedEast Lake Rd N & Keystone Rd Tarpon Springs, FL, 34688, USA - East LakeCARS DON'T ACKNOWEDGE BIKERS' RIGHT OF WAY
Pinellas Trail Issue Archived2627–2675 Keystone Rd Tarpon Springs FL 34688, United States - East LakeBroken glass spread in an area across the width of the trail and approx 15-20 ft long Area is east of Eastgate Dr Once headed east of Eastgate, locate the gas line marker shown in the photo The glass begins a few feet east of the gas line marker and continues 15-20 ft across the width of the trail
Traffic Signal Issue ArchivedForelock Rd Tarpon Springs 34688, United States - East LakeThe traffic light getting on east lake road is taking too long to switch again. Please fix it. Started again two weeks ago
Illegal Dumping Archived2365 N. Highland Ave Tarpon Springs, FL - East LakeA couch was dumped on the roadside of N. Highland Ave.