Murphy Circle

Open Issues: 2 Closed Issues: 186 Acknowledged Issues: 1
Watching issues created after: 2018-11-06

Murphy Circle - Westfield, Massachusetts

Notified About

  • Water Issue Archived
    29-44 Murphy Cir Westfield, MA, 01085, USA - Westfield
    Water is discolored - Light Brown.
  • Pothole Archived
    60 East Silver Street Westfield, MA, 01085, USA - Westfield
    At the intersection of Noble St and East Silver Street, where Genesis - Westfield Center Nursing Home is located, there are several potholes IN THE CROSSWALK which makes for a dangerous passage with my elderly mother in her wheelchair....or any other area residents who are confined to a wheelchair. It's bad enough that motorists don't always stop to let pedestrians cross, but with this added danger, it's frightening.
  • Other Issues Archived
    46 Mckinley Terrace Westfield, MA, 01085, USA - Westfield
    Street lights near Lindbergh are out and very dark that end of McKinley.
  • 30 Noble Street Westfield, Massachusetts, 01085 - Westfield
  • Pothole Archived
    45 Noble Street Westfield, MA, 01085, USA - Westfield
    At the entryway of the Dolan/Ely Apartments and Senior Center off Noble Street, there is starting to be pot holes again. Since this area has a tremendous amount of traffic both for residences and for the Westfield Senior Center, the emerging holes need to be fixed. In the end, this whole area seriously needs repaving.
  • Pothole Archived
    16 Murphy Circle Westfield, Massachusetts, 01085 - Westfield
    caller claims lots of potholes that need to be filled
  • 90 Lindbergh Blvd Westfield, MA, 01085, USA - Westfield
    trash half picked up today left at curb for pick up
  • Pothole Archived
    Murphy Cir Westfield, MA, 01085, USA - Westfield
    caller claims there are potholes that need to be filled
  • East Silver Street Westfield, MA - Westfield
    resident claims no sidewalk replaced on east silver street and st dennis
  • 30 Noble Street Westfield, MA - Westfield
    Caller claims their trash was missed, barrel at curb for pickup.
  • Signs Archived
    45 Noble St Westfield, MA, 01085, USA - Westfield
    This sign is tilting to one side, over the sidewalk, rather than being upright. It needs to be straightened -- for appearance as well as for safety.
  • Overgrowth Archived
    1–21 Lindbergh Blvd Westfield MA 01085, United States - Westfield
    This bush is blocking pedestrian traffic. Please help !