Murphy Circle
Open Issues: 2
Closed Issues: 186
Acknowledged Issues: 1
Watching issues created after: 2018-11-06
Murphy Circle - Westfield, Massachusetts
Notified About
Water Issue Archived29-44 Murphy Cir Westfield, MA, 01085, USA - WestfieldWater is discolored - Light Brown.
Pothole Archived60 East Silver Street Westfield, MA, 01085, USA - WestfieldAt the intersection of Noble St and East Silver Street, where Genesis - Westfield Center Nursing Home is located, there are several potholes IN THE CROSSWALK which makes for a dangerous passage with my elderly mother in her wheelchair....or any other area residents who are confined to a wheelchair. It's bad enough that motorists don't always stop to let pedestrians cross, but with this added danger, it's frightening.
Other Issues Archived46 Mckinley Terrace Westfield, MA, 01085, USA - WestfieldStreet lights near Lindbergh are out and very dark that end of McKinley.
Pothole Archived45 Noble Street Westfield, MA, 01085, USA - WestfieldAt the entryway of the Dolan/Ely Apartments and Senior Center off Noble Street, there is starting to be pot holes again. Since this area has a tremendous amount of traffic both for residences and for the Westfield Senior Center, the emerging holes need to be fixed. In the end, this whole area seriously needs repaving.
90 Lindbergh Blvd Westfield, MA, 01085, USA - Westfieldtrash half picked up today left at curb for pick up
Road Repair (other than Pothole) ArchivedEast Silver Street Westfield, MA - Westfieldresident claims no sidewalk replaced on east silver street and st dennis
30 Noble Street Westfield, MA - WestfieldCaller claims their trash was missed, barrel at curb for pickup.
Overgrowth Archived1–21 Lindbergh Blvd Westfield MA 01085, United States - WestfieldThis bush is blocking pedestrian traffic. Please help !