Ben Simasek
Open Issues: 1
Closed Issues: 406
Acknowledged Issues: 4
Watching issues created after: 2019-07-17
City Councilmember - Ward 3
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Streets and Sidewalks Archived6401–6499 Sentinel Dr Hyattsville 20782, United States - Ward 3Please install a crosswalk at Editors Park Drive and Sentinel Ave. The absence of a crosswalk creates a hazard for residents of the area AND school children attending Nicholas Orem. Cars are reluctant to stop for pedestrians.
Garage Noise Archived3401 East West Highway Hyattsville, MD, 20782, USA - Ward 3This garage is located in a residential district and lacks appropriate sound proofing to motivate the noise coming from the garage. You can hear people screaming, loud exhausts and various other sounds 24/7. Please request that the apartment building restructure the garage to decrease the noise.
Streets and Sidewalks Archived6215 Herald Street Hyattsville, MD, 20782, USA - Ward 3The Edition Apartments Management in Hyattsville has been leaving trash bins along Sentinel Drive along the fire lanes, blocking traffic and emergency vehicles from access.
Street and Traffic Lights ArchivedEast-West Hwy & Toledo Ter Hyattsville, MD, 20782, USA - Ward 3Crosswalk sign needed at Southernmost point of intersection at Toledo Terrace and East-West Highway. Pedestrians crossing Toledo Terrace from the Eastbound side of East West Highway have to rely on traffic lights to cross.
Streets and Sidewalks Archived6206 Enquirer Street Hyattsville, MD, 20782, USA - Ward 3Last night (Friday, November 6, 2020), as well as on other occasions, people on ATVs have been speeding / racing on Sentinel St. between Toledo Terrace and Editors Park Drive. Needless to say this is incredibly dangerous. It would be much appreciated if the city would install speed humps. Conduct a study if need be, but please make Sentinel safer for Hyattsville residents.
Streets and Sidewalks Repair Archived6000 41st Ave Hyattsville MD 20782, United States - Ward 3Painted crosswalks are needed at intersection of 41st ave and Oglethorpe Motorists routinely ignore stop signs, and this is a high traffic intersection for pedestrians navigating btw Queens Chapel and Route 1 There is also a key Metro bus line, adding additional vehicle strike risk to pedestrians
Street and Traffic Lights Archived6100–6110 41st Ave Hyattsville 20782, United States - Ward 3Cars use the area from corner of 40th and Oliver all the way down to Queens Chapel as a dragstrip. They routinely go upwards of 50 or 55 miles an hour. It is irresponsible of the city to have so long a stretch with just one stop sign and no speed bumps. There’s a huge flow of cars that goes straight from the liquor corner store, turns and then flies down this road. There are no less than 25 children that live in a two block radius. Please do not tell me to go house to house during this time to ask for a speed bump. This happens at least three or four times a day and a car has never been pulled over. A child is going to get hit by a car.
Report Blocked Driveway (Sector B) ArchivedJournal St Hyattsville MD 20782, United States - Ward 3Every school day at around 4:00pm vehicles enter the Editor's Park community waiting for pick up at Nicholas Orem Middle school at 6100 Editor's Park Drive. Our community needs police to intervene on Journal St and Sentinel Drive at the intersection of Editor's Park Drive, during the 4:00pm to 4:30pm Monday - Friday. There are a caravan of vehicles blocking residents of our community from entering and exiting as well as vehicles blocking our cars within our driveways.
Streets and Sidewalks Archived6215 Herald Street Hyattsville, MD, 20782, USA - Ward 3Cross streets Sentinel Drive and Herald Street. 12:09pm on 5/8/2020, The Edition Apartment complex, once again leaving trash bins on Sentinel Drive, blocking fire access lanes, under a clearly marked "No Parking" sign.
Abandoned Vehicle (Sector B) Archived6211 Herald St Hyattsville, MD, 20782, USA - Ward 3Abandoned vehicle illegally parked in a handicapped parking spot. Located in the Editor’s Park neighborhood on Sentinel Drive
Streets and Sidewalks ArchivedEditors Park Dr Hyattsville, MD, 20782, USA - Ward 3This is a request to please add crosswalks, speed bumps, or a stop sign on Editors Park Dr. and Sentinel St. This is a dangerous intersection and I have almost been hit by cars speeding down Editors Park Dr. towards Orem Middle School as I cross at Sentinel to walk to the Metro. Furthermore, since Editors Park Dr. leads to Orem Middle School it is extremely dangerous to students during the school year. With the safety of the community in mind, I would appreciate it it Hyattsville would evaluate the safety of this intersection and, at the very least, paint sidewalks. Thank you.
Parking Violation (Sector B) Archived6211 Herald St Hyattsville, MD, 20782, USA - Ward 3Black Jeep Wrangler parked illegally on a clearly marked “No Parking Access Lane.”