West Bellevue Rd from US127 to Onondaga Rd; 187 complaints received

Problemi aperti: 0 Problemi chiusi: 0 Problemi presi in atto: 0
Guardando problemi creati dopo: 2019-07-24

50 complaints of hazardous/Life threatening road conditions; due to the tire trenches on East & Westbound Bellevue Rd from Onondaga Rd. to US127 resulting in ponding of water/hydroplaning. Drivers are demanding a complete paving of Bellevue Road from Onondaga Road to US 127

48 complaints of drivers exceeding speed limit on Bellevue Rd from Onondaga Rd to US127 due to only 1 speed limit sign near Churchill Rd for the entire road.

Drivers are demanding speed limit signs for both East & Westbound

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