Canton MA

Open Issues: 19 Closed Issues: 52 Acknowledged Issues: 2
Watching issues created after: 2010-07-06

Notified About

  • Sign Issue Archived
    University Ave Westwood, Massachusetts - Westwood
    Pedestrian & Bike signs are the same for both directions on the side walk. This puts bikes and pedestrians on the same side of the side walk if a bike is approaching a pedestrian.
  • Bridle Path Randolph, Massachusetts - Canton
    Dollar tree cart on sidewalk
  • Bridle Path Randolph, Massachusetts - Canton
    Dollar Tree Cart sidewalk
  • Street Light Archived
    J A Mcdermott Cir Randolph, Massachusetts, 02368 - Randolph
    No street lights, cul de sac gets very dark after dusk. Please install street lights.
  • 244 University Ave Westwood, MA 02090, USA - Westwood
    Yellow light is out
  • 144 Nina Dr MA 02021 - Canton
  • 2-40 Harvard Street Westwood, MA 02090, USA - Westwood
    With Merry mount closed a traffic detail is needed at Harvard St from 4-6
  • Interstate 93 Canton, MA 02021, USA - Canton
    The area is under construction so routine maintenance such as pothole repair was never done this spring. This construction is expected to last years. However, the routine maintenance must also be done on the travel lanes to keep them safe and lessen the abuse on the public's vehicles.
  • At the end of the ramp on the left side, there are several potholes. Then about 10 feet after the ramp there is a large pothole/sunken drain on the right side.
  • Potholes Archived
    95 Shawmut Road Canton, MA - Canton
    Three to four large potholes make this road almost impassable and very dangerous. One pothole is approx 2'x3' and about ft deep
  • (pothole) Archived
    State Hwy 24 Randolph, MA - Randolph
  • 385 Canton St Randolph, MA 02368, USA - Randolph
    Mattresses and various furniture out front which have been there for at least two months. Rug on front lawn, trash and debris all over front and back yard.