US Congressional District MI13
Open Issues: 526
Closed Issues: 133,282
Acknowledged Issues: 2,198
Watching issues created after: 2019-11-19
Notified About
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived1257 Longfellow St Detroit MI 48202, United States - US Congressional District MI13Construction debris left on berm
Illegal Dump Sites Archived4070 Cicotte St Detroit, MI, 48210, USA - US Congressional District MI13There is an illegal homeless camp at this location dumping trash and contaminating with human waste. This has gone on for over two months. They are not allowed to be here. The fourth precinct refuses to remove them even though it is their job to address issues with the Land Bank. This lot is owned by the Land Bank and there are confirmation emails stating they are not allowed to be on this property. The entire block is mad that the city will do nothing. This needs to be handled IMMEDIATELY!! This is not the first request from our street. They are using and selling drugs (have this on video and photos) and exposing themselves mid day breaking the law of public decency and sexual misconduct as underage children live in the majority of the houses. If this is not taken care of the neighborhood has decided it will take action in other ways. This is not the Detroit I want to live in. PLEASE DO YOUR JOBS!
Illegal Dump Sites Archived666 W Bethune St Detroit MI 48202, United States - US Congressional District MI13This apartment building continues to allow their dumpsters to overflow. Trash blows throughout the streets and into the park across the street where children play. The dumpsters are located along the main road and should be moved behind the building, away from the park. This is a continual issue that has not been remedied since the last enforcement action was taken.
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived5027 3 Mile Dr Detroit, MI 48224, USA - US Congressional District MI13Someone has dumped insulation on the front berm of this vacant lot and it is now covering a fire hydrant. This issue has been reported multiple times.
Cave-In over the Sewer Archived859 Edison St Detroit, MI 48202, USA - US Congressional District MI13something is leaking out of the sinkhole above the sewer. I reported the sinkhole years sgo and nothing was done, now it looks like there's a bigger issue!
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived3600-3742 Bagley St Detroit, MI, 48216, USA - US Congressional District MI13A neighbor keeps dumping on the north side of the street and not abiding by bulk pickup days or rules surrounding debris. This is not from the owners of the lots it is on!
Traffic Complaints Archived4120 Second Ave Detroit MI 48201, United States - US Congressional District MI13Mad Nice valet parking blocking bike lane on a daily basis. Making it unsafe for pedestrians and cyclists as the weather is getting nicer and more people are outside.
Investigate Cave In (Sink Hole) Archived1545 Selden St Detroit, MI 48208, USA - US Congressional District MI13Sinkhole on Selden between Commonwealth and Trumbull just in front of alley on south side of street
Tree Issue Archived9353–9385 Rosa Parks Blvd Detroit MI 48206, United States - US Congressional District MI13Trees are overgrown onto the sidewalk all along Rosa Parks. Makes it hard to walk on the sidewalk.
Illegal Dump Sites Archived1557 Clairmount St Detroit MI 48206, United States - US Congressional District MI13House is now under construction--construction debris are being thrown out the window with dust everywhere and piles blocking sidewalk
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived1420 Edison St Detroit, MI 48206, USA - US Congressional District MI13Huge pile of trash outside 1420 Edison
Curbside Solid Waste Issue Archived1207 Longfellow St Detroit, MI 48202, USA - US Congressional District MI13