City of Detroit, DWSD 48209 zip code

Open Issues: 15 Closed Issues: 2,203 Acknowledged Issues: 13
Watching issues created after: 2020-03-02

Residence residing on Homer St. 9 homes

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  • 1207 Longfellow St Detroit, MI 48202, USA - US Congressional District MI13
  • 1662 Elsmere St Detroit, MI, 48209, USA - US Congressional District MI13
    House has been like this for maybe 2 years now filthy house with rats and dumping going on we need something done for it ASAP to be either demolished or boarded up
  • 5817 Eldred St Detroit 48209, United States - US Congressional District MI13
    NEED MORE NEIGHBORHOOD POLICING! Stay at home order is a joke cars blaring music people shooting people pulling up outside home at 3am!! Cars I’ve never seen. Music vibrating whole house. HELP
  • 2255 Seminole St Detroit MI 48214, United States - US Congressional District MI13
    There is constant speeding up Vernor, especially past Van Dyke into West Village. I don't mean like going 40 in a 30, but easily 75+. Not only is there a school just before Van Dyke, but this is a highly residential area with lots of small children. Recently a house in the neighborhood was struck by a speeding driver. How fast the driver must have been going to crumple his car so badly that it took like 10 firefights to cut him out of it?! The photo attached shows how much the car had to be cut away to get the driver out. It's a miracle he didn't end up entirely inside the home, but he did cause extensive damage. Who knows how long it'll take to repair the damage done to the house? I know for a fact that neighbors have been complaining about speeding for a long time, and that there have been multiple accidents along the stretch mentioned, including another driver going through a neighbors fence at Seminole and Vernor - and I'm just talking about the past 6-9 months. What else has to happen on this road for us to get some type of real, lasting remedy for this situation? Does a whole family need to be hit by a car? A patrol car a few hours a week just isn't enough because this is a constant issue - doesn't matter if it's early AM, PM, afternoon, or when school's letting out - people are always treating Vernor like a F1 track.
  • 2740 Woodstock Dr Highland Park, MI 48203, USA - US Congressional District MI14

    Homeless "Village" 8 Mile and Woodward underpass. Greetings neighbors!

    Does anyone know what if anything is being done about the village type environment by un-housed persons that has been allowed to grow under the 8 Mile overpass at Woodward? This is not only an eyesore, but it is a health hazard and surely illegal in some way. It is very unsanitary and even scary especially for my children who would like to walk or ride their bikes across Woodward to go to the business on 8 Mile. I have NEVER seen anything like this anywhere else in our city or anywhere else in the Metro area? Why isn't anything being done to assist the people and clean up that area so we the citizens of this neighborhood can have a clean and safe area there?
    Please advise. If this has already been addressed here please forgive me, I have not been on this app for almost a year. We the people of this neighborhood must do something about this. What can we do?-- this is not normal nor is it acceptable.

  • 2030 W Fort St Detroit, MI, 48216, USA - US Congressional District MI13

    There isn't exactly a category for this, but it is related to the impedance of pedestrian traffic.

    The sidewalk along Fort Street in this location has become completely impassable; there is gravel, debris, and garbage so littering this area that it is difficult to walk. A wheelchair user would be completely unable to navigate through sections of this sidewalk.

  • 2051 W Chicago Blvd Detroit 48206, United States - US Congressional District MI13
    Lost of speeders on Chicago Blvd going East after the 14th and Chicago light.
  • 2163 Michigan Ave Detroit, MI 48216, USA - US Congressional District MI13
    mercury bar n grandma bobs dumpster overflowing all over the ground and trash all over my yard.
  • 4350 Springwells St Detroit, MI, 48210, USA - US Congressional District MI13
    Rather than demolitioning this asbestos material built structure next door to my home, this incompetent city's bright idea is to auction off this abandoned, burned, and a complete eye sore of a building. Good look finding a genuine buyer who will invest 50k plus to rebuild this home. All the trash in the backyard will be enough work to remove as is. As long as this building is still standing next door, being a complete eye sore and living hazard as well as lowering our quality of life next door, I will continue advocating for its demolition as the city promised years ago. Yes there is a substantial law suit coming. The city has neglected this hazardous building for to long. And me and my family are not going to wait and hope the right investor fixes the building up. It is infested with possums, rats, and cats. LIKE I SAID AND I WILL REITERATE FOR OUR CITY WORKERS I WILL NOT STOP ADVOCATING UNTIL THE BUILDING IS DEMOLISHED. IT HAS BEEN A HAZARD FOR MY FAMILY FOR TOO LONG.
  • 7810 Goethe St Detroit MI 48214, United States - US Congressional District MI13
    Manhole cover is missing. Open sewer hole is dangerous.
  • 4001 W Eight Mile Rd Detroit, MI 48221, USA - US Congressional District MI14
    the dumpster at this Bank seems to be overflowing and making a mess and garbage floating around from it fairly consistently.
  • Parker St & E Vernor Hwy Detroit, MI, 48214, USA - US Congressional District MI13

    There is a dangerous lane drop at this intersection, that is not marked at all. Eastbound Vernor goes from 4 lanes on one side of the intersection, to 3 lanes on the other side. There is no indication which of the 4 lanes ends, and people are left guessing. I was almost sideswiped by another car this morning because he decided to merge left and I decided to merge right.

    The lane drop on Vernor needs a sign and/or improved pavement markings.